Monday, December 29, 2008

Settle for a Slow Down

Has it really been over a week since my last blog? I didn't realize it had been that long. It has been a crazy week. Christmas was a great time. We went to my brother's house for Christmas and on Christmas Eve day my nephew who is 10 months old took his first steps. We were all so excited! He's a precious little boy and the cutest thing I have ever seen. He is such a happy baby. He will just smile and giggle over everything especially his sister. She can make him laugh like no one else can. It's really cute to watch. Santa was very generous with everyone this year and everyone was very pleased with their gifts. But now that Christmas is over I'm ready for the new year. I just now have to take down all my decorations. That's the worst job but I will be tackling that this week.

My brother and his family are actually on their way up here to Nashville as I type this. Every year he brings his youth group up here for a one night trip. My brother loves Nashville and is so proud of it so he likes to show it off. He takes them downtown and then they will probably head over to Opryland Hotel and then he lets them run loose at OpryMills. They seemed to enjoy it last year so I hope they do again this year. There are about 15 kids this year coming. All the boys are staying at my parent's house and I'm keeping all the girls. I think there are about 7 of them along with my sister in law and niece so I don't know I'm going to cram all those girls into my one bedroom apartment but we'll make it work. The thing I'm most worried about is the shower and getting ready the next day. That should be fun.

Saturday I went walking with my dad at a state park near his house where there is a walking trail. It's a 2 mile trail that circles a lake. It's so beautiful. I've walked there before where I've seen deer cross the path right in front of us. We didn't see one this time so we were a bit disappointed about that. But it's a beautiful trail. It circles a lake but the path itself is basically in the woods and so it's covered with trees. I've decided that it will be my new place to walk. Walking along the trail I noticed how peaceful it was. I couldn't hear any cars or sirens from the fire trucks or police cars. It was really nice. It made me realize that one day I don't want to live in the city. I was talking on the phone last night with someone and they asked me if I could live anywhere in the world where would it be. I didn't name a certain city, state, or country but I said somewhere peaceful. Somewhere where there are mountains and lakes and close enough to the city for the conveniences but far enough away where I can't hear it. I want to live somewhere where the stars aren't blocked by the city lights. This person basically said the same thing. I was born and raised in the city but the older I get the more I think I want to live in a place where my windows don't rattle because someone is playing their music so loudly I can feel the vibrations. I want to live someplace where I can't hear the firetrucks and police cars every five minutes and where there isn't a helicopter or airplanes flying over my apartment. I would settle for a small town. I grew up in a small town and it was more peaceful than where I live now. I loved the small town I grew up in. It's a pretty town. It's not that I don't like living where I do because I do but I think I'm just ready for somewhere a little more slower paced and peaceful. I was telling my friend last night that the perfect place in my mind to live is in a beautiful white house with a porch that wraps around it on some land big enough for a small lake or pond preferably at the base a hill or mountain. Wouldn't that be a great place to live? Maybe someday.

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