Friday, January 2, 2009

No Opportunity Wasted

I've been doing really badly about keeping my blog updated regularly. I'm going to try and do better by updating this on a regular basis. I don't have a computer at home so it gets a little tough to update sometimes.

I had to work this past Monday but I had Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday off. Now it's Friday and I am back at work. There should be some kind of law against working on Fridays...especially Fridays after the holidays. It was tough getting up this morning but I was able to drag myself in. I'm so glad though that tomorrow is Saturday and I can sleep in. I am not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination. I've tried in the past but it just doesn't work. Oh well.

Wednesday I went to go see Marley & Me. It stars Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston. It was so good but you need to be prepared that for the last ten minutes or so of the movie you will cry. So bring tissues. It was so good. I love movies that make you cry and if there are animals in it it's just even better. I'm a huge dog person so this was a great movie for me even if it was a little sad and made me cry at the end. I wasn't the only one crying. You could hear sniffling and crying throughout the entire theatre. It was rather comical. It was good to see Owen Wilson in this movie. It was the first movie he made after his suicide attempt back in 2007. If you've read my blog before you know the burden that I carry for celebrities. I guess it's my love for movies and TV that started it but I have a huge burden for their souls and I pray everyday that the Lord will bring someone in their life who will show them the love the God and show them that they need the Lord in their life. Owen Wilson is I think the one that is on my heart the most. I love his movies. There are a few that I wouldn't recommend to people but for the most part he makes movies that are hilarious. I think Marly & Me was one of his bests. I pray everyday that someone will tell him about the Lord.

With 2009 here, I've seen alot on TV about making this year count. I've heard so many people say that they need to make a list of everything that they want to do and try to accomplish as many on the list as they can. I've made a small list in my head. Most of it is personal but one thing that I've always wanted to do is take a cross country trip across our beautiful nation. I traveled alot growing up so I was able to see most of the country but there are so many states and places that I have never been to. I would love to take a month off and just travel around. But I would settle for just traveling for a week or two.

My favorite reality show is The Amazing Race. The host on there is Phil Keoghan. He had a traumatic experience when he was younger and almost died. Since then he made a list of things he wanted to do before he died and he now decides to live his life as if it's his last. He now encourages everyone to do the same. That got me thinking about my walk with the Lord. I have a great relationship with the Lord but it could always be better. I should never be satisfied with where I am. I need to make everyday count as if it's my last and be a witness to people. I should make a point to at tell at least one person everyday about what Jesus has done for me. He's given me so many blessings. I tend to focus on the one thing that I don't have when I should be focusing on the many things that I do have. I've been trying to do that for the past month or so and I learned quickly that when you do that, the Lord somehow will put in your lap the one thing that you don't have. It's so amazing.

We should never waste an opportunity. We should love more, give more, laugh more, witness more, serve more, have fun more. We should just do more. I'm incredibly happy today and I've made it my mission to not waste an opportunity.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Janice, thanks for the reminder of not wasting opportunities for the Lord this year. I'm so bad about just keeping my mouth closed in fear instead of talking to other about Him and all He's done for me.