Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hey, You Guys!

I've been having 80's flashbacks all weekend and this week. First of all, the movie The Goonies was on this past Saturday. I love that movie. That is one of my favorite 80's movies besides The Breakfast Club and The Karate Kid. Watching this weekend I finally realized just how cheesy that movie really was but I still have to watch it every time it comes on TV. I mean who doesn't love Sloth and Capt. Chunk?!? Every time I hear Cyndi Lauper I always think of this movie. I even own the DVD. What's cool about that is that there is a commentary on there with the cast. They did it just a few years ago so it was really neat to see them all as adults. Some of them I haven't seen since that movie and let me tell you that Chunk turned into a very handsome man! But to continue my 80's flashback I turn on pandora.com on my computer to listen to some pop/rock music and they are playing all 80's & 90's music. I mean, they played, Pat Benatar, Air Supply, Journey, Tiffany, Paula Abdul, and The Bengals song "Walk Like an Egyptian". Do you remember that song? I had not heard that song in years. Good times.

Last night was Bunco night for the girls. We started all over this month. We had three girls drop out and so far have only added two so we still need another player but we think we have a willing girl. It was alot of fun. I didn't win but that's okay. I just go for the fun anyway. Tonight I'm excited...I've got NCIS, Scrubs and American Idol all in one night. It's just too much! :) I think I can handle it but I really need a hobby. I watch entirely too much TV. I have a friend who doesn't watch much TV but he has so much to do to keep him busy. I don't know what I would do with my evenings if I didn't watch TV. I mean, I do read in the evenings, but I do get bored with that. I need something to do with my hands. Anybody have any suggestions on a hobby that isn't expensive, boring or grandma-ish?

Also, it is just freezing cold here. My weather.com toolbar thingy (that's the technical term) says it's 33 degrees here. It was spitting snow here earlier today. I used to live in Illinois where it gets so much colder so it never bothered me much but since living in Nashville, I can't get used to the cold anymore. I put on my facebook status that I was freezing and someone that I went to high school with said it was -1 there! Brrrr. That's just too cold. I've become a pansie. I know. I'm not ashamed to admit it. Oh, and as a friend just now reminded me...to all your northerners who happen to read this and say, "Oh, 33 degrees is nothing!" let me remind you that my cold is not the same as your cold so when we say we are freezing....WE ARE!! We are not used to really cold weather. Our bodies adapt to where we are and so we can't handle what we once did. Make sense? :-) But I saw on the news that everyone is freezing everywhere! I know that this week it's supposed to get to 14 one day and 7 here another day. Now those are the lows and the highs are in the 20's. I really need to invest in a scarf and gloves. Stay warm everybody!

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