Tuesday, January 20, 2009

America the Beautiful

So I'm doing horrible at keeping my blog updated. There are some blogs that I read and they update theirs every single day and then they also blog more than once a day. I don't know how they do it. I just don't have much to say sometimes. Take, for instance, phone calls. Sometimes when I'm on the phone with someone I just don't have anything to say and so we just sit there in silence. It can be so awkward. The whole time my mind is racing for things to say. Maybe someone can help me in this area and give me some topics to bring up in the moments of silence. I think my whole problem is that I don't want people to think I'm stupid or dumb. I don't want to come across as unintelligent or immature so I revert to not saying anything at all which is even worse. But somehow I can manage to stretch a phone call out to an hour or so.

I was able to watch online Barack Obama get sworn in as president this morning. Now, I'm not a democrat and I wasn't pleased with the results of the election but I have to admit that it was exciting to see history being made. Our country has come so far throughout the years and I'm so glad that I was here to witness it all. It was unnerving to me this morning when some people were making a joke out of the presidency and the inauguration. I don't know, it just didn't sit well with me. As Americans we need to all prayer for and support our new president and give him the respect that the position deserves. Of course, I wanted to see what Michelle Obama was wearing. To me, she has always held herself as a classy woman and she always wears the most beautiful outfits and today was no exception. I thought she looked stunning and I can't wait to see what she wears to the Inaugural Ball tonight.

This week at work has been so busy and crazy. We have a missionary training conference coming up in exactly one month and I've been on the phone for the past two days working with the hotel and then just trying to get everything all organized. It's been so busy but I live for this stuff. I love doing event planning things. I don't love it enough to make a full time job out of it but I enjoy doing it when the times rolls around for me to do it here at work. But I will admit that I will be happy when the event is over; it can be so draining sometimes. I have decided though to get a second job, per se. I'm not leaving my current job but I've decided to start selling Premiere Jewelry. I originally had thought about doing it last year but a friend decided to start selling it then and made a comment to me about being on her territory so I decided to let it go. But I know now that I have to do something to bring in extra cash and since I love jewelry I decided to make a go of it. Someone had once tried to get me to sell Mary Kay make-up but I don't wear it and I'm not good at applying make-up at all so I had to pass on that product but I liked the idea of selling something on my off time. I still have a school loan that I'm paying off and I would love to pay it off this year so that is a main reason for starting this business. I don't know how good I'll be at selling because I've never been one to be pushy but my sponsor said that there are numerous training outlets that I could use and also the jewelry basically sells itself. I could just throw on the table and say, "Look!" and I can sell some pieces. So I'm excited abut also a little nervous. I officially start in February so please pray for me.

Also, please pray with me on a personal matter that is going on in my life. It isn't anything bad or life-threatening. It's actually a good thing but I need some guidance and wisdom that I'm doing what the Lord wants me to do. All I want in life is to follow the Lord and serve Him so I don't want to do anything that will cause me to be out of His will. If things work out in this certain situation the reward will be huge and so wonderful but I want to always keep the Lord first in all situations so if you think about just say a little prayer for me.


Amy said...

I'll be praying for you! I know the Lord will lead you in the right direction since you are putting Him first and trusting Him.

Anonymous said...

So I'm pretty sure the whole "I have nothing to say" silence on the phone is not us! :) I hope you had a good time in AL and I am praying for you! I love to read your blog!