Thursday, April 23, 2009


I'm not one for doling out dating advice even though I'm single. I don't date much. I never have. I've never "played the field" or anything like that. I could probably count the number of times I've been on a date in my entire dating history but I won't bore you with that sad little tidbit. I've recently started reading a blog by someone who is single and writes dating advice to people. It's very interesting and so true in most of what he says. It's interesting to read about dating from a guy's perspective and read the advice he gives to his single friends. You can tell through his writing that he's traditional in the dating world and a gentleman, so it seems. I've never met this guy so I can't say for certain. I just stumbled across his blog while reading other people's blogs one day. Anyway, I really don't like dating. I know it's necessary to get to know someone. What I don't like is the first part of it...meeting the guy, trying to make a good impression, trying to find that common ground, meeting the family...just the awkwardness of it all. Some people find that aspect of it exhilarating. I find it stressful and exhausting. Maybe it's because I've not met someone that makes it exciting or fun. The last guy I was talking to didn't make it fun at all. I felt like I always had to watch what I said or how I said it less he run for the hills and judge me. (Which is basically what happened.) It was just emotionally exhausting. I wish that I could just be in a relationship where it feels comfortable from the beginning and he accepts you for everything that you are and everything that you are not. I do have to tell you about one first date I had. We actually went out on a double date and the guy was horrible about doors. He wouldn't open a door for me to save his life. I'm stickler for guys opening doors for women. That's just a must-have. Anyway, we went out to eat and the conversation was pretty good but then we get back to the car and the bozo jumped up on top of the car and started beating his chest like he was King Kong or something. I was mortified and the couple we were with were pretty embarrassed as well. I mean, there was absolutely no reason for it. Another guy took me to a cemetery (I am not joking at all!) and another guy picked up a magazine and started whistling at all the pretty girls in it and looking at me like, "What do think of this chicky?" Who did he think I was?! This has been my track record with dating.

Now after you get through that whole first awkwardness of dating the first month or two it can be so much fun. I've never really gotten to that point so maybe that is why I'm not that fond of dating or it could because of the bozos I've gone out with in the past. But I've had numerous talks with friends about dating and compare all our dating woes that we could seriously write a book or at least turn it into a sitcom. Recently a friend of mine had read this book by the comedian, Steve Harvey. It's called Act Like A Woman, Think Like A Man and has given it to me to read. I'm not finished with it yet, but it's very enlightening. He has some very good advice for women in there and gives great insight about how the male species thinks and works. If I ever get the chance to date someone again, I just may have to put some of these practicalities to use. It's been very eye opening, to say the least.

I wonder though, if men find dating just as stressful as women do or at least as much as I do and I may be in the strict minority here to say it's stressful. It's so easy to get down sometimes regarding your martial status and I do go to the Scriptures for comfort. I do find comfort but also angst when I read verses like Genesis 2:18 where it says, "And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." If it's not good, then why am I alone? Where's my soulmate, Lord? I pray everyday for the one God has for me and I'm just waiting for the day when the Lord will reveal him to me but I sure get anxious sometimes and impatient! But I didn't mean to get off on that. I was just basically talking about dating. Does anyone else find it or did find it as stressful as I do? Maybe it was just the men I was dating. :)

I'm so stinking excited that today is my Friday. I took a vacation day tomorrow because I'm meeting some friends in Atlanta. This weekend has been a looong time coming and I really thought it would never happen. Its good to get away sometimes with girlfriends and have fun. It's been a long time since we have all been together at the same time and to be together without their kids and husbands was also a huge feat! One of these girls and her family will be moving to a different state the day after she gets back from our trip. I'm surprised that she agreed to come because of that but I'm so glad she did. She's the one the other three of us haven't seen in forever. We all met going to the same church and have been through so much together and one by one they all started to move away from Nashville leaving me here all by myself. :) I miss them all so much so it makes weekends like this that much more special. All four of us live in different states and we found Atlanta to be the most central location for all of us to meet. I mapquested it but I'm so scared that I'm going to get lost. I don't think I will because I usually have a pretty good sense of direction but we'll see. My only worry right now is getting packed for it. As usual, I'm procrastinating. It's a sickness, I know. I think I need help. Have a great weekend!

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