Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I feel like this song is my life today. I have too many bad thoughts running through my head today! If there was ever a day for me to commit murder, today would probably be it! I'm so frustrated and it's probably my fault but I'm so not in the mood for certain people. I feel like a broken record on here sometimes but if people would just leave me alone I could get things done! I'm in the middle of a huge project and a certain person in my office has to keep taking up my time with meaningless stuff that they could take care of themselves!! Oh the joys of working in an office. Honestly, my next job will NOT be in an office. I really hate office work. Maybe I just don't really like my job anymore. I know I've complained about it many times but I never felt like it was the right time to leave and in a way I still feel that way but it's just been a bad afternoon. There are just too many great benefits to leave here.

I did get an offer for a job in Minnesota and NORTHERN Minnesota at that! I knew it was coming but I was little surprised when I actually received the offer in the mail this week. I was unofficially offered this job in February but I just kind of laughed it off. Of course, I'll think and pray about it a lot but I pretty much know that I won't take the position. It's a teacher position in a school and since the Lord has never laid it on my heart to teach I doubt I'll take it even though at this point, I think dealing with kids would be easier than dealing with some adults!

Man, I'm not in the greatest moods right now. It's sad too because I was in an awesome mood earlier today. I even had this blog all planned out today to talk about my phobia of wasps and needles. My phobia is serious. I had funny stories that would leave you on the floor with tears streaming down your face! I guess I'll leave that for when I'm in a better mood.

I am excited though because I'm going to Alabama this weekend to see my brother and his family but even more so that I get to see a college friend of mine that I haven't seen in ages! I'm taking all of Friday off just so I can have lunch with her! I'm so excited! I told her to dress nice because I'm bringing my camera. I guess I should do the same. Well, I guess I better go and get in a better mood...I do have church tonight. :) Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

T2Nashville said...

Minnesota? Do you know the average daily temperature up there??

I want the wasps and needles post!