Saturday, April 11, 2009

Be Ready

Oh my goodness has it been forever since I've blogged. Let me tell you, I've had a crazy week. Last weekend I went to Alabama to have a jewelry show for my sister (in law) and also to spend time with my brother and their kids. My niece and nephew are growing like weeds and are the most precious and sweetest kids around. My nephew is so laid back for a 13 month old but he is the cutest. He looks just like his momma and is developing her natural curly hair. He has blond hair and blue eyes so you can imagine how many hearts he will break in his lifetime. :) My niece is just getting too grown up for me. During the weekend I held a jewelry show for my sister in law and we had told Anna that he was a big girl party but that Anna was supposed to come because she was a big girl now. She was sooo excited. At every show I have several of them model the jewelry so they can see how it looks on certain colors and to see the different ways they can wear their jewelry. Well, Anna wanted to wear some so we put some on her and she was so excited! She thought she was the most grown up person there. She looked so cute. I wish I had taken a picture but I was so focused on the show that I didn't think about it. She sat there during the party and listened to every word I said. Then when all the ladies were looking at catalogs she got out her coloring book and flipped the pages like everyone else. It was so cute and adorable but made me so sad as well because she is growing up so fast. She also kept telling her daddy (who was in the back bedroom with Luke during the party) "Daddy, no boys allowed. This is a big girl party and you are NOT a big girl." It was the cutest thing. Oh, I miss them so much!

On the way to my brother's house on the Friday I stopped in Birmingham to have lunch with my friend, Serena. We had the best time. It had been forever since we had seen each other so we had a great time catching up. Then her husband, Steven, came and brought us both this type of drink from some place and it was honestly the best drink I had ever put in my mouth! It was so delicious! I seriously need to find out the name and if we have this place in Nashville because it was soo good!

Work has been just work this week. Very busy and not too exciting really. On Tuesday of last week we had this banker guy and a loan officer take everyone in our office out to lunch (long story why). We went to Cheddar's in Smyrna. It was so good. They were really sweet guys and both of them were devout Christians. It made our conversations with them so easy and we ended up having a 2 hour lunch with them. It was a great time.

I'm sure most of you have heard that we had a huge storm blow through here on Friday afternoon. The city of Murfreesboro (which is about 30 mins. from where I live) was hit with about 3-5 tornadoes within a span of just a few minutes. It was horrible! The storm never got too terribly bad where I was but we did get alot of rain and wind but no damage. There was reported a tornado within a few miles of my house so I grabbed my camera to try and get a picture but I had no such luck. I realize now after watching the devastation in Murfreesboro that I was incredibly stupid...especially since a young mother and her 3 month old baby were killed in the tornadoes.

My heart just goes out to everyone there and you realize just how quickly a life can end. You never know when it will be your last day and that is why it is so important to always be ready! We can't take this life we live for granted. Our last day could be today or tomorrow or Jesus could come back at any moment. So are we doing everything we can to tell others about him? Are doing enough for ourselves to keep always serving Him and being on the path to Him? Are we loving and supporting our family and friends? Do you leave their presence on a bad note or do you always tell them you love them? I thought about this today. My mother is incredibly ill. So much so that she can't cook supper or clean her house. So today I went over to her house to clean it from top to bottom. It took me all day and I didn't always do it with a servant's heart. I did do some grumbling under my breath and was a little upset that I had to do it on my day off. I just wanted to be home not doing anything. But I started thinking about the mother who was killed yesterday and I'm sure that her family wishes that she was here where she could lead her normal life of taking care of her family and home. It kind of humbled me up (is that the correct phrase?) and shut me up as well. I finished my task of cleaning my mother's house and even cooked her and dad a meal without peep. I should be thankful that I'm still here to be able to take care of my parents. After all, they took care of me for 18 or more's the least I can do. Happy Easter!!

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