Monday, March 2, 2009

There's No God Like Jehovah!

Well, I am back to the land of living! It has been awhile since I updated and with good reason! I have been so sick it wasn't funny. I developed a severe sinus infection that then settled in my right ear. That was the most excruciating pain I have ever encountered. It was horrible. I now know that a toothache and an earache are the two worst pains to ever be experienced. The sinus infection eventually cleared up for the most part. I still have a little bit of the ear infection but it's almost gone now. The only thing is my right ear is still clogged. I can't hardly hear out of it. I was describing it to a nurse who attends my church and she said it sounds like I might have ruptured my ear drum. Great! So it's been over a week that my ear has been clogged so now I'm thinking of calling the ear, nose, & throat specialist. I need something to heal it. I'm tired of not being able to hear and all I hear is a ringing in my ear. I still have some pain from the ear that shoots up the side of my head. I don't think that is good either. At least I was able to go back to work this week. I didn't go to work at all last week I was so miserably sick. It was awful! But I'm on the mend and I praise God for it.

Yesterday was the first day I was back at church in almost a month! It's hard to believe I missed three weeks at my church. The first week I went to Alabama for my niece's birthday then the second week I went out of town to visit a friend. The third week I was horribly sick that I couldn't get out of bed. So yesterday it felt good to be back at my home church. I was so excited too because of the music service we were having. Every week around Thursday or so our music director emails everyone in the praise band and praise team the songs for that Sunday so we can get familiar with the songs and start preparing them in our hearts. I was so excited to receive the list and see one of my favorite songs on there, Days of Elijah. I love this song. I love the tune, I love the words! I first heard the song at our National Convention several years ago and we've sung it every year since then. I just love it. It just lifts my heart and it was exactly what I needed after such a terrible month that I had. There truly is no God like Jehovah!

This week is going to be very slow for me which is what I need. February was such a blur that I'm so glad I will have a week to not do a blessed thing! I am going to Alabama this weekend though. I miss my brother and sister (in-law) and their kids so it will be so good to see them. Last weekend was my nephew's first birthday and we had to miss it. I was so sick that I couldn't have made the trip and my mom has been extremely ill as well. Please pray for her. We are not sure what's wrong with her and she is seeing a specialist this Thursday to have some tests run to see if they can figure out her problem. But because I missed his birthday last weekend (which I was so upset about because I never miss anything with those kids) I'm going down this weekend to celebrate his birthday. So I'm extremely excited about seeing them. Shoot, I'm just excited that I'm able to get out my bed! LOL! Happy Monday!

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