Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tweetly dilly-ly...Tweet Tweet...Tweet Tweet

I know that's probably not how you spell it but I didn't know how to spell today's title but I think you get the gist of what I'm trying to say.

Have you really paid attention to all the outlets we have to keep in touch with each other? I know we have e-mail which is soooo outdated now and we have texting, Facebook, Myspace, etc. Now there's this thing that I just recently heard of called Twitter. Have you heard of this? I've heard of it for awhile but never knew what it was. One of our missionaries use it and when I asked him a couple of months ago what exactly it was, his answer was so confusing that I just gave up trying to understand what he was saying. I just started shaking my head saying, "Oh, okay. I see now." I didn't see. Then I noticed that everyone is using Twitter. When I get ready in the mornings I watch Good Morning America. I noticed on there last week that they kept saying, "Let us know what you think and tweet us on Twitter." You want me to do what on where? Then I was watching Ellen and she had Zach Braff from Scrubs on there as a guest. Now I know that Zach Braff is very tech savvy because (yes, I'll admit it) I'm a friend of his on Myspace. (For the record, I've never talked to him and I never go on myspace anymore...I'm strictly a Facebook girl.) But anyway, Ellen asked him if he twitters to which he replied no because he didn't think people need to know what he's doing every second of the day and he doesn't enjoy reading what everyone else is doing at every second of the day.

So I finally decided to find out what all this twittering was all about. If you have a Facebook or Myspace account there is a place where you can update your status which is just a couple of sentences to let people know what you are doing at that moment. Now I have and do occasionally update my status on Facebook but I've pretty much stopped that. But evidently that is exactly what Twitter is all about. Just letting people know what you are doing at that moment. Just a few sentences. So here's my deal with the whole thing. Why do we even have this? I know we live in a digital age where that's how we keep in contact with friends and family but do we really need to let everyone know every second of our lives? I know that I blog and it seems as if everybody blogs now. I read so many blogs where people just open every aspect of their lives on there and leave nothing for their own private thoughts. I don't do that. You all only really know about 10% of what really goes on my life...well maybe could actually be 70%. Not sure about that now that I think about it. (Tammy, you know everything about me, what's the percentage there?) LOL! But anyway, I see so many people who just spill everything on their blog for the entire world to read. I can't do that. We need to leave some things private. There are just things about ourselves that we need to keep to just ourselves. No use showing all the crazy all the time. Know what I mean?

But back to Twitter. Is it really necessary to tell everyone when you walk your dog, get a cup of coffee, buy a lamp, or gave your grandmother a sponge bath? I don't need to know these facts about people. If it's a prayer request or praise item or some great big huge news I can understand that but other than that, I don't see the need of "twittering". It's pointless to me. You may disagree with me but all I know is that I will never tweet to anyone on Twitter...of course I said I would never blog either. ;-)

1 comment:

T2Nashville said...

YES! Totally agree! I can't even keep my status updated on Facebook, much less add ANOTHER status report to my life. I haven't been on Facebook in almost 2 weeks. Don't these people have lives? (And yes, I know 100% of your life. HA!)