Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Life Lessons I Learned from Julie & Julia

Last night was such an enjoyable evening. I met a friend for dinner at Cozymel's. I love that place. We always get the table side guacamole. They make it right there at your table. It's very delicious. I've never enjoyed guacamole but she encouraged me one day to try it and I loved long as there is no cilantro in it. That herb doesn't agree with my palate too much. But other than that I do enjoy guacamole. After dinner we went to go see Julie & Julia. This was a very good movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I love Meryl Streep. She can just transform into any character where you don't even see see the character only. She sounded and acted just like Julia Child. It was amazing. I learned a few things actually from this movie. *If you haven't seen the movie yet and plan to, you might want to skim through this next part but maybe not. Not sure if I'll give anything important away or not.

My lessons are sixfold.

First of all, I learned that you pat your meat dry. Your meat won't brown well if it still has a wetness to it.

Secondly, Julia Child didn't get married until she was around 40 years old (so I still have hope). She had quite a love affair with her husband. They portrayed their romance very cutely (is that a word) in the movie. It was rumored that she and her husband were spies for the US government and they briefly mentioned it in the movie. It wasn't confirmed or denied in the movie and it was only made in one statement but I thought it was interesting that she was a spy.

Thirdly, I learned that I need more readers for my blog. The character Julie blogged her way through Julia Child's cookbook. She had so many reader and people making comments all the time. Maybe it was because her blog was more of a conceptual blog where mine is just a daily summary of what I have done and what I am going to do with my personal opinions and thoughts thrown in for good measure. What do I need to do to get more readers? Not that I have many interesting things to say that should warrant more readers but it would be nice to know that people are reading my blog and that I'm not just sending it out there into the unknown void of cyberspace.

Fourthly, food looks sooo good on the big screen.

Fifthly, I want to go to France.

The last thing I learned from Julie & Julia is that you never put people on a pedestal or if you do, never plan on meeting them or interacting with them in any way, shape or form. Julie had put Julia on a pedestal to where she created Julia in her mind to be perfect...the perfect wife, friend, and cook. At the end Julie finds out something about Julia that devastates her and with good reason. It broke her heart. (Julia Child was still alive when Julie did her blogging/cooking her way through the cookbook.) Julie thought they had so much in common with being stuck in their lives and that they had this common bond where cooking saved them from themselves and in turn that made them sisters even though they had never met. But Julie ended up being so disappointed because she had made Julia to be this person that she never truly was.

That is the way it is though. You see someone you've never met (i.e. celebrity, missionary, preacher) and you create this perfect person in your head. How many times have you had a deep fascination with a celebrity and then you find out something horrible about them and you are crushed? You can never look at them the same. They weren't the person you had created them to be. But the truth is, no one is perfect. We are all human and have human thoughts. (That's deep, I know!) We all get angry, can be judgmental, say things we shouldn't, and do things and go to places we shouldn't. We should never measure ourselves to someone else or try to emulate them. The only person we should strive to be like or imitate is Jesus Christ. He is the only perfect person and all we need to do is try and be more like Him and in turn He will help us be the type of person He wants us to be for Him.

So thank you, Julia Child and Julie Powell, for reminding me what is important and not to waiver on my goal of being more like our Lord and Savior.

By the way, the movie was excellent and I highly recommend you go see it.

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