Monday, August 3, 2009

Weekend Recap

Is it really Monday? The weekends are just too darn short. I say that for every week we work we get a week off. Of course, if we did that we would only be working every other week. You could just lump them all together and only work for six months at a time. Is there such a job? Oh wait....teachers! They get the whole summer off. I think they've got it right. :)We could all learn from teachers...more ways than just in the classroom. LOL!

Besides it being fast, my weekend went really well. Friday night I went to dinner and a movie with a friend. We were celebrating my birthday. I hadn't had Mexican in about four months and she knew I was craving it so badly so we went to Cozumel's. It was so good. They will make the guacamole dip right in front of you and it is so delicious! I could have eaten just that for dinner it was so good. After dinner we went to see Adam Sandler's new movie, Funny People. Don't go see it. It wasn't that good. One, it's forever long. The movie started at 7pm and we didn't get out of there until 9:45. Long. Then, it was just one disgusting joke after another. It did have it's funny moments but it was more awful than good. We should have gotten up and left but I just kept thinking it would get better. It didn't. I felt awful too because I chose the movie. So I'm sorry, my friend!

Saturday I went shopping with my mom and we were gone ALL day. But I was so happy. You probably won't understand this but my mom hasn't been shopping since Christmas. I only mentioned on here a few times and never talked about it much but my mother was extremely sick for the past six months. She was so ill that I had to move back home to help take care of her and the house. It was a rough six or seven months for us. But she's doing so much better so to see her get out and spend the whole day walking around and shopping was a wonderful thing. I'll never take her shopping with me for granted again. I honestly didn't think we would have a day like that again. Anyway, we went shopping because our family is going on a real vacation this year to Gulf Shores and neither one of us had anything to wear or bathing suits. So we left depressed. :)

Yesterday morning I heard the weirdest and strangest song on the radio. I didn't like it at all because I don't know how these people would know this but the title was If Jesus Walked the Earth Today He Would be a Hillbilly. Really? He would? How do they know he would be a hillbilly? I didn't care for the song at all. It's funny because Wednesday at church we were talking about songs that have no backup in the Scriptures or are just plain stupid like Drop Kick Me Jesus through the Goalposts of Life and The Devil is in the Phonebooth Dialing 9-1-1. Now I have to tell you that I have heard the last before. Some weird lady sang it at my church in Iowa. She was crazy so I wasn't surprised. It was a dumb song.

Sunday afternoon I drove around looked at some townhomes and houses in the area. I found a cute two bedroom two bath home about 5 miles from work. It's so cute but I'm not sure I want a house where I have to take care of a yard. Then I found some cute townhomes just a few miles from work. I wrote down the addresses and called my realtor. I have an appointment with her next week to go look at these homes. I'm excited. I'm so ready to get settled and have something of my own. I feel so displaced since I moved back home a few months ago and have all my stuff is in storage.

I'm excited that I'm cooking dinner tonight. I'm making porkchops. They are so good if I say so myself. They are baked but tasted just like they are fried. It's a light or low-fat recipe. I just realized. How boring is life when the most exciting thing you are doing is cooking porkchops? :)

Happy Monday!

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