Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oh Yawn....

I've come to the conclusion and even stated to a friend just this morning...I am boring. I don't know how many times I've told you all on here just how boring I am. What started my way of thinking today was this said friend and I were conversing back and forth about a blog we both read. This person is hilarious and leads a fascinating life. So I start wondering why I can't blog like that...oh wait...because I'm boring!! My friend was trying to be encouraging (well as encouraging as you can sound through an email) telling me that I'm not boring and that she loves reading my blog. For some reason, I can't quite believe her. :) So I'm here to remedy the situation. I am going to start being, or at least start writing more interesting things.

I think the problem is that I hate to make a fool of myself in front of people. I hate to think that people are thinking about me, "Man, this girl is stupid! She is such a cornball!" My mom tells me that I take myself too seriously. Perhaps I do. I probably do. I need to laugh at myself more.

By the way, I am a little bit of a cornball and a little cheesy. After all, I love The Osmonds! Aren't they known as the epitome of cheesiness? Which, for some reason, has always bothered me that people think that way of them. Why are they known as being so cheesy? Because they love each other and get along and that they have a deep faith (even if they completely miss the mark on that one) and don't drink, do drugs or even drink carbonated drinks? Whatever. It's not really a secret that I like the Osmonds. I have their music downloaded on my iPod. (Don't make fun.) But just because they are wholesome and good why is that being cheesy? But I digress....I like them. :) (and yes, Donny Osmond will be on Dancing with the Stars this season so you all know who I will be voting for.) Ha!

Anyway, I'm getting off point. I am declaring that I will no longer write the snoozefest of blogs that I've been writing and I really am going to try and blog more. I will find something interesting that you will be like, "Man, I wish I had her life." Yeah, right. We will see. :)

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

T2Nashville said...

I am looking forward to your "new" blog! YIPPEE!