Whew! Is it hot outside or what?! It's 100 degrees outside right now. I'm not going to complain about all this heat because well, I've been sitting in my nice air conditioned apartment all day and it's quite chilly in here. I'm not going to dare turn the air up because I'm a baby and if I get remotely a little warm I whimper and whine and can't breathe. No joke. When it get a little stuffy or hot my nose and my air passage just closes right up and then I get a migraine. Is this just in my head or is this a legitimate condition I need to seek help on? :) Mayme, you're a nurse...should I be concerned? LOL! Oh let me talk to Mayme for a sec. Thank you for the belated birthday wish and I do want to play on Words With Friends so if you, or anyone for that matter, wants to play my username is janiren. I may regret sharing that. LOL!
I'm also not going to complain about the heat because it seems the whole country except for a slither of it is experiencing this heat. It's just seems unbearable. I feel so sorry for my husband and his co-workers. They work in a machine shop and it's not air conditioned. Only the office has air and so they have to work in all this heat. He says it isn't so bad because they have fans but all that does is stir up hot air. He comes home very sweaty, dirty and pretty stinky. I usually have to Febreze the house after he comes in. :)
On days like this I remember all those times in the winter when I would be freezing and begging for summer to get to here. We humans are never satisfied. So when is winter again?
Life is not measured by how many breaths you take but by what takes your breath away.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Birthday in Nashville
Friday was my birthday and to celebrate we headed to Nashville to spend it with my parents. I hadn't been back home since the wedding and it was a much needed trip. I've actually seen my parents quite a bit since I got married but I hadn't been back to Nashville. I can't tell you the feelings that went through me as the Nashville skyline came into view. It's such a beautiful skyline. I never get tired of it and we sure didn't spend enough time there. It was a short quick weekend trip.
Saturday night we met up with one of my best friends and we all headed to Demo's downtown. If you've never been to Demo's and are going to visit Nashville this place is the place to go. The prices are great and their food is delicious! I've never had a bad dish there. I'm so glad I chose to go there. There are so many restaurants that Nashville has that Tuscaloosa doesn't so it was hard to figure out where to go but I'm so glad I choose that place. We had a great time. It was like I had never left. I miss that place so much!
I did get a pretty good birthday gift....I got a job! It's only part time and not the ideal job, but its a job. I'll be working at a preschool/daycare. I'm not all that thrilled about it but the job market in Tuscaloosa pretty much stinks. I've put my application and resume in everywhere and nothing has been opening up. My sister (in law) called me last Thursday and told me that the daycare her kids go to are hiring some partime people and she was able to set up an interview for me. I was able to get the job and I'm so thankful for it because we really need the money but I feel like I'm taking a step or 10 backwards. This is exactly what I did in college and I wasn't so thrilled to be going back...especially when I think I'm the oldest employee there. Everyone else is in high school or college. Ugh! I'm also working until 6 every night. I'm not thrilled about that either. Oh well, it's something for now and I will get to see my neice and nephew everyday so that's a plus. It's also only 5 minutes from home so that is a plus as well. I just need to be thankful that I was able to get hired somewhere. I know the Lord knows what he is doing with me and my husband and I just need to trust Him.
Saturday night we met up with one of my best friends and we all headed to Demo's downtown. If you've never been to Demo's and are going to visit Nashville this place is the place to go. The prices are great and their food is delicious! I've never had a bad dish there. I'm so glad I chose to go there. There are so many restaurants that Nashville has that Tuscaloosa doesn't so it was hard to figure out where to go but I'm so glad I choose that place. We had a great time. It was like I had never left. I miss that place so much!
I did get a pretty good birthday gift....I got a job! It's only part time and not the ideal job, but its a job. I'll be working at a preschool/daycare. I'm not all that thrilled about it but the job market in Tuscaloosa pretty much stinks. I've put my application and resume in everywhere and nothing has been opening up. My sister (in law) called me last Thursday and told me that the daycare her kids go to are hiring some partime people and she was able to set up an interview for me. I was able to get the job and I'm so thankful for it because we really need the money but I feel like I'm taking a step or 10 backwards. This is exactly what I did in college and I wasn't so thrilled to be going back...especially when I think I'm the oldest employee there. Everyone else is in high school or college. Ugh! I'm also working until 6 every night. I'm not thrilled about that either. Oh well, it's something for now and I will get to see my neice and nephew everyday so that's a plus. It's also only 5 minutes from home so that is a plus as well. I just need to be thankful that I was able to get hired somewhere. I know the Lord knows what he is doing with me and my husband and I just need to trust Him.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Apartment Life
After I read my blog post over a few times yesterday I made it sound like apartment living is just to terribly awful. It really isn't. Our apartment is quite nice. It's very spacious. All the rooms are extra large and we have a pretty huge walk in closet. It's just something we are not used to. I own a home in Nashville. It's a two bedroom two and a half bath with a dining room and eat in kitchen. I actually had to leave some of my furniture there when I moved to AL. Alan lived in a three bedroom house before we got the apartment. We are used to stretching out so it's been an adjustment for both of us to squeeze into this apartment.
We also live on the second floor which can be just torture for this out of shape body of mine. :) I can't go grocery shopping by myself lest I have to make two trips to the car to carry all the groceries up the stairs. I always make sure Alan is with me so he can make the two trips. LOL! At my home in Nashville my parking space butted almost completely up to my kitchen door so that has been a huge adjustment.
The plus side of apartment living is that we have no outside yard work to do! Woo Hoo!! I'm very thankful for that. We also have an awesome pool that is hardly ever used. If we didn't have that I probably wouldn't see my brother and his family near as much. Just kidding.
Speaking of the pool...my nephew, Luke, is the most fearless person I know when it comes to the water. He always wear his life jacket but he just swims all around the pool (including the deep end) by himself. Don't worry there is always an adult nearby. :) But yesterday he just cracked us up. Our pool, on the deep end, has a fountain. It has a ledge on it and the kids like to climb up on it and jump off. Jenny had brought a float with her and Luke decided he wanted to play with it. He grabbed it, climbed up on the fountain wall, and yelled, "Hey everyone! Look at me!" Once everyone did, he just jumped off the wall and landed on the float. That may not seem like a big deal but he is three years old. He jumped in 8 feet of water and the fountain ledge is probably 3 feet higher than the water. It was quite hilarious. When he landed he looked at everyone the sweetest little grin. He was so happy. He's so fearless. He'll try anything when it comes to the water. Of course, he's putting a lot of faith and trust in his life jacket that automatically brings him to the surface quickly. We had a great time.
But anyway, we actually love our apartment. It's our first place together and it is quite nice. We know we won't live here always. As soon as I can sell my house, we plan on buying one of our own that we can grow into. But until then, we will live here and cherish the life we are building together and make many memories in our cute little apartment.
We also live on the second floor which can be just torture for this out of shape body of mine. :) I can't go grocery shopping by myself lest I have to make two trips to the car to carry all the groceries up the stairs. I always make sure Alan is with me so he can make the two trips. LOL! At my home in Nashville my parking space butted almost completely up to my kitchen door so that has been a huge adjustment.
The plus side of apartment living is that we have no outside yard work to do! Woo Hoo!! I'm very thankful for that. We also have an awesome pool that is hardly ever used. If we didn't have that I probably wouldn't see my brother and his family near as much. Just kidding.
Speaking of the pool...my nephew, Luke, is the most fearless person I know when it comes to the water. He always wear his life jacket but he just swims all around the pool (including the deep end) by himself. Don't worry there is always an adult nearby. :) But yesterday he just cracked us up. Our pool, on the deep end, has a fountain. It has a ledge on it and the kids like to climb up on it and jump off. Jenny had brought a float with her and Luke decided he wanted to play with it. He grabbed it, climbed up on the fountain wall, and yelled, "Hey everyone! Look at me!" Once everyone did, he just jumped off the wall and landed on the float. That may not seem like a big deal but he is three years old. He jumped in 8 feet of water and the fountain ledge is probably 3 feet higher than the water. It was quite hilarious. When he landed he looked at everyone the sweetest little grin. He was so happy. He's so fearless. He'll try anything when it comes to the water. Of course, he's putting a lot of faith and trust in his life jacket that automatically brings him to the surface quickly. We had a great time.
But anyway, we actually love our apartment. It's our first place together and it is quite nice. We know we won't live here always. As soon as I can sell my house, we plan on buying one of our own that we can grow into. But until then, we will live here and cherish the life we are building together and make many memories in our cute little apartment.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Monday's Musings
Today I just wanted to post a list of things I'm currently thinking....
1. It is way too hot here. I'm very much over the 100 degree weather everyday. I'm praying this heatwave ends soon. I'm ready for cooler weather.
2. I cannot keep enough sweet tea in this house. I made a gallon pitcher of tea on Saturday evening and by this morning it was all gone. I think I only had two glasses out of it. My husband is addicted. I will be buying stock in sugar soon. :)
3. I cannot, for the love of Pete, beat my brother in Words With Friends on my phone. We've played at least 30 games and I've only beaten him once. It's not that he just beats me but he slaughters me. I'm talking by about 200 points. Those darn 2 letter words get me every time. I will be him again if its the last thing I do! :)
4. I enjoy blogging and I'm going to try and blog everyday even if it's just a paragraph or two.
5. I really wish more people commented on my blogs. LOL! I love conversations and sometimes I think I'm the only one that reads this blog. Maybe I should actually tell people that I do blog.
6. I love Mondays! My brother and his family come over to our apartment and we swim at the pool and have dinner together. It such a sweet time with them and the kids.
7. I love the closer relationships I'm developing with my brother and sister (in law). We've always been close but since I'm around them a whole lot more we have been getting closer. I'm trying to treasure this time together because I know we won't always be able to live near each other.
8. I'm not so fond of apartment living. I loathe white walls and want to paint so badly. We also just don't have the room here. Most of our things are crammed in our storage closet. We are anxiously waiting until I can sell my house in Nashville so we can buy a house and spread out.
9. I'm headed home Friday. By home I mean Nashville. We haven't' been to Nashville since our wedding and since Friday is my birthday we decided to go home for my birthday and spend it with my parents. I'm so excited. I've missed it terribly. Thursday I'm celebrating my birthday with my brother and his family so having two parties in one week ain't too shabby. :) Coldstone..here I come!
10. I love reading blogs!! I just do. I think my life is so boring that I enjoy reading about other people's lives. They inspire me to try and do certain things.
11. I love strawberries. When I was younger I remember we used to go and pick strawberries. I told my husband last night I wanted to pick strawberries but had no idea if there is a strawberry patch around.
12. On the way to Charlotte last week we had to go through Gaffney. There they have a water tower in the shape of a giant peach...crack and all. My niece got a kick out of seeing the huge bottom (she's not allowed to say butt.)
13. After being in North Carolina, I think I wouldn't mind living there. I've always thought it was a beautiful state.
14. I miss my monthly women's Bible Study. I wish my church here had one. I miss that sweet time and learning from other women.
That's it. I have no other thoughts for today. We'll see what I come up with tomorrow. :)
1. It is way too hot here. I'm very much over the 100 degree weather everyday. I'm praying this heatwave ends soon. I'm ready for cooler weather.
2. I cannot keep enough sweet tea in this house. I made a gallon pitcher of tea on Saturday evening and by this morning it was all gone. I think I only had two glasses out of it. My husband is addicted. I will be buying stock in sugar soon. :)
3. I cannot, for the love of Pete, beat my brother in Words With Friends on my phone. We've played at least 30 games and I've only beaten him once. It's not that he just beats me but he slaughters me. I'm talking by about 200 points. Those darn 2 letter words get me every time. I will be him again if its the last thing I do! :)
4. I enjoy blogging and I'm going to try and blog everyday even if it's just a paragraph or two.
5. I really wish more people commented on my blogs. LOL! I love conversations and sometimes I think I'm the only one that reads this blog. Maybe I should actually tell people that I do blog.
6. I love Mondays! My brother and his family come over to our apartment and we swim at the pool and have dinner together. It such a sweet time with them and the kids.
7. I love the closer relationships I'm developing with my brother and sister (in law). We've always been close but since I'm around them a whole lot more we have been getting closer. I'm trying to treasure this time together because I know we won't always be able to live near each other.
8. I'm not so fond of apartment living. I loathe white walls and want to paint so badly. We also just don't have the room here. Most of our things are crammed in our storage closet. We are anxiously waiting until I can sell my house in Nashville so we can buy a house and spread out.
9. I'm headed home Friday. By home I mean Nashville. We haven't' been to Nashville since our wedding and since Friday is my birthday we decided to go home for my birthday and spend it with my parents. I'm so excited. I've missed it terribly. Thursday I'm celebrating my birthday with my brother and his family so having two parties in one week ain't too shabby. :) Coldstone..here I come!
10. I love reading blogs!! I just do. I think my life is so boring that I enjoy reading about other people's lives. They inspire me to try and do certain things.
11. I love strawberries. When I was younger I remember we used to go and pick strawberries. I told my husband last night I wanted to pick strawberries but had no idea if there is a strawberry patch around.
12. On the way to Charlotte last week we had to go through Gaffney. There they have a water tower in the shape of a giant peach...crack and all. My niece got a kick out of seeing the huge bottom (she's not allowed to say butt.)
13. After being in North Carolina, I think I wouldn't mind living there. I've always thought it was a beautiful state.
14. I miss my monthly women's Bible Study. I wish my church here had one. I miss that sweet time and learning from other women.
That's it. I have no other thoughts for today. We'll see what I come up with tomorrow. :)
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Catch Up
So after I posted I was back to blogging I was basically MIA for a couple of weeks. I guess I had nothing to say or really just didn't feel like blogging. I've been kind of down lately for the lack of job opportunities. I still don't have a job but I'm trusting that the Lord has the perfect one out there for me and I'm praying that I get one this week. That's my specific prayer.
This past week since I haven't been working I was able to attend the FWB National Convention that was held in Charlotte, NC. I didn't think I was going to be able to go this year because I thought I would be working. But it all worked out and at the last minute I decided to go. I'm so glad I did. I was able to see and spend time with my parents and I was able to see some old college friends that I hadn't been able to see in awhile. My husband wasn't able to go this year but we are hoping it works out where we both can attend. I'm dying to introduce him to everyone...plus, I missed him like crazy. The preaching at the conference was also excellent and I feel so refreshed and renew and have a stronger passion for the Lord and to do His will. I am a shy person by nature so it's very hard for me to just go up to people and start talking...even to people I know and have known for years. I'm so afraid that I'm going to say something stupid or just have nothing to say at all. I actually love to talk to people but it's something that is so hard for me and I have to really work at it.
The church I attend now has thing after the first congregational song called "Fellowship Time". It's where everyone walks around and says hello, gives hugs, handshakes, and just fellowships with each other for just a few minutes. I have yet to step out of the pew to join in. I have tried so many times and I just freeze. It's so hard for me to just go up to people and say even hello. I'm a dork, I know. :) I'm working on it and I need to work on it if I want to be bolder for the Lord.
This past Friday, my sister (in law) came over to my apartment and we spent the whole day laying on floats in the pool. It was a perfect day. We just relaxed and talked the whole day. Of course, I got burnt...even with sunscreen. The sun is just not my friend lately. Thankfully, the burn is going away little by little but it was worth it to spend that time with my sister (in law). I sure enjoy living near her and my brother and their kids. It's a special time.
This past week since I haven't been working I was able to attend the FWB National Convention that was held in Charlotte, NC. I didn't think I was going to be able to go this year because I thought I would be working. But it all worked out and at the last minute I decided to go. I'm so glad I did. I was able to see and spend time with my parents and I was able to see some old college friends that I hadn't been able to see in awhile. My husband wasn't able to go this year but we are hoping it works out where we both can attend. I'm dying to introduce him to everyone...plus, I missed him like crazy. The preaching at the conference was also excellent and I feel so refreshed and renew and have a stronger passion for the Lord and to do His will. I am a shy person by nature so it's very hard for me to just go up to people and start talking...even to people I know and have known for years. I'm so afraid that I'm going to say something stupid or just have nothing to say at all. I actually love to talk to people but it's something that is so hard for me and I have to really work at it.
The church I attend now has thing after the first congregational song called "Fellowship Time". It's where everyone walks around and says hello, gives hugs, handshakes, and just fellowships with each other for just a few minutes. I have yet to step out of the pew to join in. I have tried so many times and I just freeze. It's so hard for me to just go up to people and say even hello. I'm a dork, I know. :) I'm working on it and I need to work on it if I want to be bolder for the Lord.
This past Friday, my sister (in law) came over to my apartment and we spent the whole day laying on floats in the pool. It was a perfect day. We just relaxed and talked the whole day. Of course, I got burnt...even with sunscreen. The sun is just not my friend lately. Thankfully, the burn is going away little by little but it was worth it to spend that time with my sister (in law). I sure enjoy living near her and my brother and their kids. It's a special time.
Friday, July 8, 2011
What Is My Purpose?
I've been feeling discouraged and blue lately. It has nothing to do with my new husband. We are so enjoying being married and I couldn't ask for a better husband. I am loving being married to my best friend. My problem is that I cannot find a job here in Tuscaloosa.
Moving from Nashville to Tuscaloosa has been a huge adjustment for me. I like Tuscaloosa. It's a beautiful town and they have everything you need. The only thing is it's not a booming place in the job market. I've applied for so many positions and nothing seems to be working out for me. Really in this town if you are not in the medical field or know someone you won't have much luck no matter if you have a college degree or years of office experience. That doesn't' seem to matter.
It's been a huge disappointment to me and I get so discouraged. I get on the computer everyday and submit my resume and application and nothing seems to help me get one foot closer to finding a job. My husband is so good through it all and he comforts me and tells me that the Lord has the perfect job for me and that we'll be fine. But when you seem to get rejected everyday it sort of does something to your confidence. It makes me feel as if I have no purpose and not good enough for anything. I know that it's just the devil getting to me with all my insecurities and I have to just trust the Lord has a plan for me.
I do have a few ideas of what I could do but I'm a little nervous and scared but what do I have to lose? I already don't have a job and my husband is pretty secure in his so why not be a little adventurous and start something completely different than office work. I enjoyed my previous job but making working in an office setting is not for me anymore. Maybe the world is supposed to be my office. I'll just keep praying and searching and trying new things until the Lord shows me what I'm supposed to do.
Moving from Nashville to Tuscaloosa has been a huge adjustment for me. I like Tuscaloosa. It's a beautiful town and they have everything you need. The only thing is it's not a booming place in the job market. I've applied for so many positions and nothing seems to be working out for me. Really in this town if you are not in the medical field or know someone you won't have much luck no matter if you have a college degree or years of office experience. That doesn't' seem to matter.
It's been a huge disappointment to me and I get so discouraged. I get on the computer everyday and submit my resume and application and nothing seems to help me get one foot closer to finding a job. My husband is so good through it all and he comforts me and tells me that the Lord has the perfect job for me and that we'll be fine. But when you seem to get rejected everyday it sort of does something to your confidence. It makes me feel as if I have no purpose and not good enough for anything. I know that it's just the devil getting to me with all my insecurities and I have to just trust the Lord has a plan for me.
I do have a few ideas of what I could do but I'm a little nervous and scared but what do I have to lose? I already don't have a job and my husband is pretty secure in his so why not be a little adventurous and start something completely different than office work. I enjoyed my previous job but making working in an office setting is not for me anymore. Maybe the world is supposed to be my office. I'll just keep praying and searching and trying new things until the Lord shows me what I'm supposed to do.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
I'm Back!
Has it really been since the beginning of April since I've blogged? What is wrong with me?! Oh wait! I was only in the last stages of wedding planning and the actual wedding (which was gorgeous if I can say so myself), not to mention that I've moved to another state and have been trying to get adjusted to my new life in Alabama. I've only been a tad busy and neglected this blog just a bit. My apologies, especially to my followers...all six of you. :)
I will say that I'm absolutely loving married life and I think I fall in love with my husband a little more each day. He has been so good to me and he even cooked me dinner today. He is sweet, kind and ever so patient with me. I will say again that the Lord knew what He was doing when He put us together. It has been quite an adjustment moving to AL. I miss Nashville very much. I miss the town, my old job, my friends, my church and especially my parents. It was a hard first couple of weeks. I still feel, at times, as if I'm visiting and that I'll be heading back home in a few days. I think once I find a job that will change and this small college town will start to feel more like home a little every day.
Which, by the way, is a huge item of prayer for me. I need a job. I'm currently without insurance and have wrapped myself in bubble wrap. :) It's so important that I find a job as soon as possible. I can't be put on my hubby's insurance because they don't pay for spouses. So I need a job for that and just for the pure fact that I'm getting bored sitting at home. There's only so much house cleaning and laundry you can do and since we are watching our pennies until I get a job I can't exactly go shopping. I really want to go shopping too because I really need to dress up bedroom. I'm satisfied with how the rest of our apartment looks but the bedroom is in seriously need of something. The bedding is perfect. I love it. It's read and gold and so beautiful and comfy but I have nothing on the walls and no decoration. Our furniture is a mixture of both was what we brought from our lives as a bachelor and bachelorette. So if anyone has any ideas on where and what I can get cheap and innovative ideas for a romantic and beautiful love den, please let me know. ;)
It's great to be back online and out of the craziness of wedding planning. I hope to get back to blogging regularly.
Happy 4th of July!!
I will say that I'm absolutely loving married life and I think I fall in love with my husband a little more each day. He has been so good to me and he even cooked me dinner today. He is sweet, kind and ever so patient with me. I will say again that the Lord knew what He was doing when He put us together. It has been quite an adjustment moving to AL. I miss Nashville very much. I miss the town, my old job, my friends, my church and especially my parents. It was a hard first couple of weeks. I still feel, at times, as if I'm visiting and that I'll be heading back home in a few days. I think once I find a job that will change and this small college town will start to feel more like home a little every day.
Which, by the way, is a huge item of prayer for me. I need a job. I'm currently without insurance and have wrapped myself in bubble wrap. :) It's so important that I find a job as soon as possible. I can't be put on my hubby's insurance because they don't pay for spouses. So I need a job for that and just for the pure fact that I'm getting bored sitting at home. There's only so much house cleaning and laundry you can do and since we are watching our pennies until I get a job I can't exactly go shopping. I really want to go shopping too because I really need to dress up bedroom. I'm satisfied with how the rest of our apartment looks but the bedroom is in seriously need of something. The bedding is perfect. I love it. It's read and gold and so beautiful and comfy but I have nothing on the walls and no decoration. Our furniture is a mixture of both was what we brought from our lives as a bachelor and bachelorette. So if anyone has any ideas on where and what I can get cheap and innovative ideas for a romantic and beautiful love den, please let me know. ;)
It's great to be back online and out of the craziness of wedding planning. I hope to get back to blogging regularly.
Happy 4th of July!!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
A while back I told you that the hotel we will be staying at in Maui has a webcam. There you can view the whole grounds, beach and pool. I spend a few minutes everyday staring at it and daydreaming of being there. I especially like to take a gander at it when its cold, wet and dreary outside. While I'm not crazy about telling everybody where exactly we will be staying on our honeymoon I don't think too many people will be making their way there to crash it. :)
So to see a glimpse of paradise click here. Enjoy! I know I will be enjoying it in 45 days!!!!
So to see a glimpse of paradise click here. Enjoy! I know I will be enjoying it in 45 days!!!!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Out Of The Mouth of Babes

My sister in law had out patient surgery this past Monday. Her mom came to pick up Anna Grace and Luke to let Jenny recover from the surgery. As they were leaving Chad had told Anna to be good and to mind her Nana and Papa and to keep on eye on Luke. He then told her loved her and would miss her and to make sure she calls him everyday. Anna then put her hand on Chad's shoulder and said, "Dad. Be strong."
Not too long a go a friend of my brother was celebrating his 30th birthday. They all had gone out to eat and Anna was sitting between Chad and this friend. Anna was being all fidgety and getting up and down in her chair (this is a frequent occurrence with her). Chad had about enough of it and really got on to her about it in front of everyone. After Chad go on to her Anna Grace leaned over to the friend and said, "That was awkward."
LOL! Where does she get this?! She is just so cute! I'm so excited that I'll get to live near them and be more a part of their daily lives. Anna Grace has already asked if she can sleep over at my house. I can't wait! :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Explosion of the Head
I think if I had an explosion of the head I might feel better. I am still battling whatever this crazy head thing might be. I can tell that I'm getting better after taking Zyrtec for a few days. I've just recently discovered this drug and it has become my best friend. I love it! But since I'm taking this along with some medicine prescribed by a doctor for a small "issue", I'm feeling a little loopy and sluggish. It probably isn't the best combination but at least both problems are getting resolved.
So I've been knee deep (or maybe eyeball deep) in wedding mode lately and I was looking at my forever long list of things to do and get and I've realized that I only have a few items left to do until the week of the wedding. (Boy was that a long sentence.) And since it looks like I may be down for the count for about week coming up soon, this makes me very happy. It has been a stressful process of planning the wedding but it's been a lot of fun at the same time. I can't wait to see how it all comes together on the day. I am determined that no matter what happens on my wedding day all I care about it is getting married to the man of my dreams. Who, by the way, is pretty awesome.
I've been, not stressing, but more worrying about a cake stand. I know this seems like a minuscule item but do you know how expensive it is to rent or buy one of these?! My bakery wanted a $100 deposit just to rent it. I said, "Thanks, but no." I don't know if I told you but my fiancee is a machinist. A pretty good one too and since he has access to metal he said, "Hey baby! Don't worry your purty little head about a cake stand. I can make you one the finest in the land." Okay, so he didn't say it exactly that way but he did say he can make me one and it will cost us about a fourth of what it would have cost to buy or rent one. I love my handy man!
He started on it today and has been sending pictures of his progress. I might post it on here when he gets it all finished. I'm so excited! Who knew that a cake stand would get me all warm and fuzzy inside. :)
So I've been knee deep (or maybe eyeball deep) in wedding mode lately and I was looking at my forever long list of things to do and get and I've realized that I only have a few items left to do until the week of the wedding. (Boy was that a long sentence.) And since it looks like I may be down for the count for about week coming up soon, this makes me very happy. It has been a stressful process of planning the wedding but it's been a lot of fun at the same time. I can't wait to see how it all comes together on the day. I am determined that no matter what happens on my wedding day all I care about it is getting married to the man of my dreams. Who, by the way, is pretty awesome.
I've been, not stressing, but more worrying about a cake stand. I know this seems like a minuscule item but do you know how expensive it is to rent or buy one of these?! My bakery wanted a $100 deposit just to rent it. I said, "Thanks, but no." I don't know if I told you but my fiancee is a machinist. A pretty good one too and since he has access to metal he said, "Hey baby! Don't worry your purty little head about a cake stand. I can make you one the finest in the land." Okay, so he didn't say it exactly that way but he did say he can make me one and it will cost us about a fourth of what it would have cost to buy or rent one. I love my handy man!
He started on it today and has been sending pictures of his progress. I might post it on here when he gets it all finished. I'm so excited! Who knew that a cake stand would get me all warm and fuzzy inside. :)
Monday, March 28, 2011

I've been constantly sneezing and blowing my nose. It is so raw and red. I dragged myself to work but everyone is staying away from me like I have the plague or something. :)
I don't feel bad really. I'm just sneezing and blowing my nose every two seconds and my eyes are burning and watery. Everyone says it sounds like allergies but I've never had allergies before and I've never been allergic to anything in my entire life. Maybe I've developed allergies. I've heard of people developing allergies once they reach adulthood. I hope not. I feel sorry for everyone with allergies if this is what they feel like every year. Ugh!
This weekend my family was in town so I took a few days off work and hung out with them. We had a great time and went to the coolest place I've ever been to for kids. I'll post about it another day. All I know is that I want to open one up run it because it seems so cool and fun.
Uh oh! I feel another sneeze coming on....gotta go! :-)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
It Is Well With My Soul!
It Is Well With My Soul
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Though Satan should buffett, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well with my soul!
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul!
~lyrics by Horatio G. Spafford, 1873
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Changed Plans
Well, it's Tuesday, the day I am supposed to leave on my trip but instead I'm actually sitting here at work. Our plans for our trip to California took a severe turn Monday. I was going on the trip with all my co-workers and their spouses. This was something fun that we had decide to and had never done before. It was something we all had been planning and talking about for months. We were all so excited and even talking about it Monday morning when we got to work. Then the unexpected happened.
One of the men in our office walked in and as soon as we saw him, we knew that something terrible had happened. He asked us if we heard the news and we said no. Our boss's son had passed away late in the evening the night before from an apparent heart attack. We were just stunned. It was completely unexpected as this man was only 48 years old and in perfect condition. He even just recently passed a physical exam. Our hearts were just breaking for our boss and his family. I can not imagine what they are going through.
My co-workers and I got together and prayed for my boss and his family and then made the decision to cancel our trip. It just didn't seem right to go when our boss was hurting and mourning the death of his son. As disappointing as it is to not be able to go on this trip, canceling it was the right thing to do. The hardest part was telling my friend and travel companion that it was cancelled. She understood our reasons. We plan on rescheduling it but I'll already be married and living elsewhere so I won't be able to go on the rescheduled trip and unfortunately my friend won't be able to go as well.
So instead of planning and preparing for a fun trip, I'm preparing to head to the visitation later on today and the funeral tomorrow. It's such a sad situation and my heart just breaks for the entire family. He left behind a wife and a 13 year old daughter. So please pray for the Powell family this week and in the weeks to come.
One of the men in our office walked in and as soon as we saw him, we knew that something terrible had happened. He asked us if we heard the news and we said no. Our boss's son had passed away late in the evening the night before from an apparent heart attack. We were just stunned. It was completely unexpected as this man was only 48 years old and in perfect condition. He even just recently passed a physical exam. Our hearts were just breaking for our boss and his family. I can not imagine what they are going through.
My co-workers and I got together and prayed for my boss and his family and then made the decision to cancel our trip. It just didn't seem right to go when our boss was hurting and mourning the death of his son. As disappointing as it is to not be able to go on this trip, canceling it was the right thing to do. The hardest part was telling my friend and travel companion that it was cancelled. She understood our reasons. We plan on rescheduling it but I'll already be married and living elsewhere so I won't be able to go on the rescheduled trip and unfortunately my friend won't be able to go as well.
So instead of planning and preparing for a fun trip, I'm preparing to head to the visitation later on today and the funeral tomorrow. It's such a sad situation and my heart just breaks for the entire family. He left behind a wife and a 13 year old daughter. So please pray for the Powell family this week and in the weeks to come.
Friday, March 18, 2011
California, Here I Come!
Next week I get to go on a pretty incredible trip. I'm taking a train ride to Los Angeles, CA, and then spending a few days there touring everything and then flying home. It's going to pretty fantastic, I think. I have never ridden on a train before and we are going to spend 48 hours on this train. I'm staying in a roomette which is in the sleeping car. The train starts in New Orleans, LA, and then it goes through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and then California. I can just imagine the scenery once we get out in the desert. It will be an adventure, that's for sure.
I'm really excited about going to LA. I've never been there before. I've been to the northern part of California but never the southern part and since I'm a huge fan of TV and movies, I'm pretty stoked about this trip. We are going on a tour of all of LA the day we get there which includes, downtown LA, Hollywood and Beverly Hills. The next day we are going to the Ronald Reagan Library. I'm very excited about this. I've always wanted to go and I heard that they have Air Force One there that you can tour through. Pretty cool.
Another day we are going to Malibu. I've always heard that it's beautiful there and I'm excited to be able to walk around the beach for a little while. My friend, who is going with me, and I are hoping to do some celebrity sightings...ahem, Matthew McConaughey. :) Seriously, I don't really care about that so much but I'm just excited to be going in the first place.
I'm looking forward to this trip for a couple of reasons: 1) I get a break from wedding planning. I'm enjoying the process of planning the wedding but it will be a nice break where I don't have to make a decision on the smallest detail. 2.) I get to spend the trip with one of my best friends and bridesmaid. She and I have gotten so close and this will be a nice trip for us to spend together before I make the move to Alabama. I'm looking forward to the laughter and enlightening talks that we usually have when we are together.
This weekend starts another whirlwind weekend for my fiancee and me. We have our engagement pictures tomorrow and we are registering at a couple of places. I'm really excited about this. I love taking that little gun the stores have and shooting it at everything. I can be very dangerous with that thing. :)
Have a great weekend!!
I'm really excited about going to LA. I've never been there before. I've been to the northern part of California but never the southern part and since I'm a huge fan of TV and movies, I'm pretty stoked about this trip. We are going on a tour of all of LA the day we get there which includes, downtown LA, Hollywood and Beverly Hills. The next day we are going to the Ronald Reagan Library. I'm very excited about this. I've always wanted to go and I heard that they have Air Force One there that you can tour through. Pretty cool.
Another day we are going to Malibu. I've always heard that it's beautiful there and I'm excited to be able to walk around the beach for a little while. My friend, who is going with me, and I are hoping to do some celebrity sightings...ahem, Matthew McConaughey. :) Seriously, I don't really care about that so much but I'm just excited to be going in the first place.
I'm looking forward to this trip for a couple of reasons: 1) I get a break from wedding planning. I'm enjoying the process of planning the wedding but it will be a nice break where I don't have to make a decision on the smallest detail. 2.) I get to spend the trip with one of my best friends and bridesmaid. She and I have gotten so close and this will be a nice trip for us to spend together before I make the move to Alabama. I'm looking forward to the laughter and enlightening talks that we usually have when we are together.
This weekend starts another whirlwind weekend for my fiancee and me. We have our engagement pictures tomorrow and we are registering at a couple of places. I'm really excited about this. I love taking that little gun the stores have and shooting it at everything. I can be very dangerous with that thing. :)
Have a great weekend!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
48 Hrs...
...is all I get to spend with my guy every week. That's it. Two whole days. I was thinking about this while I was driving back to Nashville from Tuscaloosa late Sunday afternoon. I had just spent the weekend there visiting my family and spending time with my guy.
We had just spent the weekend doing our pre-martial counseling and apartment hunting. It was a busy weekend and by the time Sunday afternoon rolled around I couldn't believe it was time for me to get back on the road to head home. It's always so hard when it's time to say good-bye. Especially when our good-byes are said at the gas station where I fill up my car for my return to trip home. It's not the most romantic place to kiss my fiancee good bye...especially when you have people who are looking at you and saying, "Get a room!". :) We have to cram so much stuff in our weekends together that it just flies by. I know that we aren't the only long distance couples and I know that we are actually more lucky than most since we do get to see each other every week. But this isn't about other long distance relationships...its about mine.
For fifteen months, Alan and I have been driving back and forth from Tuscaloosa to Nashville. That's four hours one way and eight hours round trip (longer if there has been an accident or construction). I actually did the trip distance on my car for the first time this weekend and from Tuscaloosa to my door is a little over 250 miles. That's 500 miles every weekend we are driving. Let me tell you, I know every exit between here and there and not because I stop at them (I don't) I just see them every other weekend and they have been engraved in my brain.
I can't tell you how many severe storms and snowstorms we have driven through this past year and a half. I'm terrified of storms and there were trips that I would pray the entire time for the Lord to keep me safe and my car on the road. I have felt the Lord's protection over both of us because so far He has kept us safe during our travels. The only horrible thing that has happened was Alan's little Acura broke down in Birmingham.
But after fifteen months of dating we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. In two months and one week I will walk down the aisle and marry the man of my dreams and all the long hours on the road, the nightly talks on the phone, the constant texting during the day and the long passionate kisses at the gas station will come to an end.
Did I get tired of all the driving alone? Did I get tired of never spending at weekend at my own house? Did I get tired of living in a suitcase? Did I get tired of driving in blinding rain and dodging tornadoes? Yes, I did. But you know what? I would do it all again tomorrow if it meant having Alan in my life.
We had just spent the weekend doing our pre-martial counseling and apartment hunting. It was a busy weekend and by the time Sunday afternoon rolled around I couldn't believe it was time for me to get back on the road to head home. It's always so hard when it's time to say good-bye. Especially when our good-byes are said at the gas station where I fill up my car for my return to trip home. It's not the most romantic place to kiss my fiancee good bye...especially when you have people who are looking at you and saying, "Get a room!". :) We have to cram so much stuff in our weekends together that it just flies by. I know that we aren't the only long distance couples and I know that we are actually more lucky than most since we do get to see each other every week. But this isn't about other long distance relationships...its about mine.
For fifteen months, Alan and I have been driving back and forth from Tuscaloosa to Nashville. That's four hours one way and eight hours round trip (longer if there has been an accident or construction). I actually did the trip distance on my car for the first time this weekend and from Tuscaloosa to my door is a little over 250 miles. That's 500 miles every weekend we are driving. Let me tell you, I know every exit between here and there and not because I stop at them (I don't) I just see them every other weekend and they have been engraved in my brain.
I can't tell you how many severe storms and snowstorms we have driven through this past year and a half. I'm terrified of storms and there were trips that I would pray the entire time for the Lord to keep me safe and my car on the road. I have felt the Lord's protection over both of us because so far He has kept us safe during our travels. The only horrible thing that has happened was Alan's little Acura broke down in Birmingham.
But after fifteen months of dating we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. In two months and one week I will walk down the aisle and marry the man of my dreams and all the long hours on the road, the nightly talks on the phone, the constant texting during the day and the long passionate kisses at the gas station will come to an end.
Did I get tired of all the driving alone? Did I get tired of never spending at weekend at my own house? Did I get tired of living in a suitcase? Did I get tired of driving in blinding rain and dodging tornadoes? Yes, I did. But you know what? I would do it all again tomorrow if it meant having Alan in my life.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Hobnobbing With A Country Music Star
Saturday I got a text from a friend saying she had two free passes to preview The Lincoln Lawyer starring Matthew McConaughey and Ryan Phillippe and asked if I wanted to attend it with her. So not wanting to give up a free ticket to a movie or a chance to stare at Matthew McConaughey for two hours I quickly replied, "YES!"
So last night we met at the theatre and after going through security (including pat downs and metal wands and my purse practically turned upside down on the table) we quickly found seats off to the side and near the front. I had watched a trailer of this movie earlier in the day to remind myself what it was about and I had seen that Trace Adkins had a part in the film. I had no sooner said this movie fact to my friend when all of a sudden Trace comes out from the side entrance, gets a few photos made and walks in front of the audience. He was there to introduce the film to us. He said a few words and told us some behind the scenes information which were quite funny. He then walked to our side of the theatre, walked passed us and sat just a few rows behind us.
He had a very small part in the film...one scene in the beginning and a couple small scenes at the very end. When the opening credits started and Trace's name appeared everyone broke out in this thunderous applause and cheering every so loudly. Now I love Trace Adkins. I love his voice and his songs. I loved him on Celebrity Apprentice and I think he is a very nice and funny man. He wasn't a bad actor either. After saying that I'm so glad he only had a few small scenes only because of the ladies sitting directly behind me and my friend. Every time Trace appeared on screen they would start screaming and saying things and moaning. Although it was cute at first it got old very quickly (and distracting)and it took everything I had not to turned around and ask them to please moan and groan to themselves.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get any pictures of him since we were made to turn off all cameras and phones because the movie doesn't open in theaters until March 18. Overall, the movie was excellent, Matthew and Ryan were very very very good in this movie. It is a crime drama but it had some very funny lines in it. It did have some bad language a tiny bit of violence but it's more drama than anything else. It was an excellent movie and I was happy to see Matthew McConaughey do another drama. He hadn't done one like this since A Time To Kill (another excellent movie).
After the movie we walked out of the theater (behind our new friend, Trace) and was immediately pulled away but a news crew asking us our opinion of the movie and everyone in it. I was mortified. I've been out of hairspray for two days and my hair was not at it's best.
Ah, just a typical night in Nashville!
So last night we met at the theatre and after going through security (including pat downs and metal wands and my purse practically turned upside down on the table) we quickly found seats off to the side and near the front. I had watched a trailer of this movie earlier in the day to remind myself what it was about and I had seen that Trace Adkins had a part in the film. I had no sooner said this movie fact to my friend when all of a sudden Trace comes out from the side entrance, gets a few photos made and walks in front of the audience. He was there to introduce the film to us. He said a few words and told us some behind the scenes information which were quite funny. He then walked to our side of the theatre, walked passed us and sat just a few rows behind us.
He had a very small part in the film...one scene in the beginning and a couple small scenes at the very end. When the opening credits started and Trace's name appeared everyone broke out in this thunderous applause and cheering every so loudly. Now I love Trace Adkins. I love his voice and his songs. I loved him on Celebrity Apprentice and I think he is a very nice and funny man. He wasn't a bad actor either. After saying that I'm so glad he only had a few small scenes only because of the ladies sitting directly behind me and my friend. Every time Trace appeared on screen they would start screaming and saying things and moaning. Although it was cute at first it got old very quickly (and distracting)and it took everything I had not to turned around and ask them to please moan and groan to themselves.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get any pictures of him since we were made to turn off all cameras and phones because the movie doesn't open in theaters until March 18. Overall, the movie was excellent, Matthew and Ryan were very very very good in this movie. It is a crime drama but it had some very funny lines in it. It did have some bad language a tiny bit of violence but it's more drama than anything else. It was an excellent movie and I was happy to see Matthew McConaughey do another drama. He hadn't done one like this since A Time To Kill (another excellent movie).
After the movie we walked out of the theater (behind our new friend, Trace) and was immediately pulled away but a news crew asking us our opinion of the movie and everyone in it. I was mortified. I've been out of hairspray for two days and my hair was not at it's best.
Ah, just a typical night in Nashville!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Woo Hoo!!!
I'm interrupting your day today to say how excited I am that..........................
Ralph Macchio is going to be on Dancing with the Stars!!! Can I get a "Whoop! Whoop!"?
I love love love him! I had the hugest crush on him when the original Karate Kid movie came out. So as I watch this season's of Dancing I shall revert to my inner 80's child.
You may not go back to your regular scheduled day. :-)
Ralph Macchio is going to be on Dancing with the Stars!!! Can I get a "Whoop! Whoop!"?
I love love love him! I had the hugest crush on him when the original Karate Kid movie came out. So as I watch this season's of Dancing I shall revert to my inner 80's child.
You may not go back to your regular scheduled day. :-)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Wedding Stuff
I had a friend email me the other day and say she was surprised that I'm not giving any wedding details away on my blog. I had every intention of posting what I was doing and what colors I choose, the cake I got, the flowers I'm ordering. I had even written an entire post about the wedding and then I deleted the whole thing. I realized that I didn't want to give out any details. Not because I'm super private since any one that knows me knows that I'm an open book in most cases. I just realized that I wanted my wedding guests to be surprised I guess you can say.
I know that I have friends that read this who live in other states and won't be able to come to the wedding and want to know every detail. But I realize that I didn't want to give away so much detail and also I didn't want every post to be about the wedding. I always hated when a friend got engaged and all they talked about was their upcoming wedding. I'm trying so hard not to do that with everyone but yet I'm so excited that I do want to talk about it. Besides, I think my words won't do near as much explaining as pictures so I do plan on posting photos of the wedding on Facebook and on here after we get back from the honeymoon.
Which brings me to the real subject of my post today. I will tell you where we are going on our honeymoon. I had asked a few months ago where you all went on your honeymoon. Alan and I just had no idea at that time where we wanted to go that wouldn't break our bank account.
So after much talking and researching and planning we have decided to honeymoon in Maui, Hawaii!! We are so excited. I have been to Hawaii but not to Maui. I went to Oahu in 2008 but I went with a uh "friend" and her mother. It was an all right time. It could have been better. It was a busy vacation then. This time we wanted to go some place where we wouldn't feel as if we had to go to all these places and see all these things to make it worth our while. We just wanted to go to some place where we could just sit and relax on the beach or by the pool and maybe do a couple things here and there. After researching Maui and talking to others who had been there we realized that Maui was the place for us to go. Alan also got a great deal on air, hotel and a rental car.
The hotel we are staying at has a webcam and everyday I take a couple of minutes and open it up and stare at the beach and the awesome pool the hotel has. I especially do that on days and evenings when the weather is gray, raining and freezing outside. It makes my heart happy to know that I'll be there in less than 3 months...with my new husband!! I cannot wait!
I know that I have friends that read this who live in other states and won't be able to come to the wedding and want to know every detail. But I realize that I didn't want to give away so much detail and also I didn't want every post to be about the wedding. I always hated when a friend got engaged and all they talked about was their upcoming wedding. I'm trying so hard not to do that with everyone but yet I'm so excited that I do want to talk about it. Besides, I think my words won't do near as much explaining as pictures so I do plan on posting photos of the wedding on Facebook and on here after we get back from the honeymoon.
Which brings me to the real subject of my post today. I will tell you where we are going on our honeymoon. I had asked a few months ago where you all went on your honeymoon. Alan and I just had no idea at that time where we wanted to go that wouldn't break our bank account.
So after much talking and researching and planning we have decided to honeymoon in Maui, Hawaii!! We are so excited. I have been to Hawaii but not to Maui. I went to Oahu in 2008 but I went with a uh "friend" and her mother. It was an all right time. It could have been better. It was a busy vacation then. This time we wanted to go some place where we wouldn't feel as if we had to go to all these places and see all these things to make it worth our while. We just wanted to go to some place where we could just sit and relax on the beach or by the pool and maybe do a couple things here and there. After researching Maui and talking to others who had been there we realized that Maui was the place for us to go. Alan also got a great deal on air, hotel and a rental car.
The hotel we are staying at has a webcam and everyday I take a couple of minutes and open it up and stare at the beach and the awesome pool the hotel has. I especially do that on days and evenings when the weather is gray, raining and freezing outside. It makes my heart happy to know that I'll be there in less than 3 months...with my new husband!! I cannot wait!
Friday, February 25, 2011
My Calmer
I'm more in love today than I was yesterday. Last night we had a pretty big nasty storm blow through my area. It was quite powerful. Every county had a tornado warning. I hate storms. I get so scared over the possibility of what could happen during storms that are predicted with tornadoes. When I say scared, I'm talking about nervous stomach and I didn't even eat dinner because I was too nervous over what "could be". I know, not very trusting in God that He will protect me. I was very trusting that He will protect me but the human in me still gets very nervous and scared...especially when I'm home alone.
I was on the phone with my guy when the storm hit and, bless his heart, he kept me calm the whole time. While he was talking I heard a popping outside my back door. So I go back there to check it out and the rain was coming down so hard and I could hear the wind just howling. I looked at the trees and they were completely bent over. The fencing that separates me from my neighbors were shaking back and forth violently and then I could feel my house shaking. All of a sudden part of the fencing blew off. I was like, "Um, Alan? I think there's a tornado outside my house." His reaction? "Cool!" Ugh, men! (Alan loves storms and everything that comes with it. Weirdo.) Anyway, I finally decide to back away from my glass window and try to remember to breathe. Alan though was so good about talking to me and keeping me calm by telling me a story about something and keeping my mind off the storm outside. It worked so well. As I was listening to him I got more intrigued by his story and the next thing I know the storm had passed and praise the Lord I never lost power.
I am more in love today with him than I was yesterday. He is so what I need and I'm glad the Lord had me wait this long for him. He is my other half and I can't believe that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.
By the way, there was a tornado that hit down the road from me and damaged the building I work in pretty good. It blew the loading dock doors (which are huge, metal, and heavy) to our warehouse off...frame and all. The ceiling in both the men and women's restrooms collapsed and a For Sale sign had pierced the outside of the building. The storm also ripped one of our security lights out and damaged the wiring in our building. Our area of town (Antioch) was hit pretty hard. Many trees had fallen on houses and cars and quite a bit of business signs have either been blown away by the tornado and straight line winds or they were twisted and mangled and spread across the streets. Luckily there were no major injuries or deaths in our area. It could have been a lot worse. I thank the Lord for His protection and also for my guy staying on the phone with me and keeping me calm during the whole ordeal.
Have a great weekend!
I was on the phone with my guy when the storm hit and, bless his heart, he kept me calm the whole time. While he was talking I heard a popping outside my back door. So I go back there to check it out and the rain was coming down so hard and I could hear the wind just howling. I looked at the trees and they were completely bent over. The fencing that separates me from my neighbors were shaking back and forth violently and then I could feel my house shaking. All of a sudden part of the fencing blew off. I was like, "Um, Alan? I think there's a tornado outside my house." His reaction? "Cool!" Ugh, men! (Alan loves storms and everything that comes with it. Weirdo.) Anyway, I finally decide to back away from my glass window and try to remember to breathe. Alan though was so good about talking to me and keeping me calm by telling me a story about something and keeping my mind off the storm outside. It worked so well. As I was listening to him I got more intrigued by his story and the next thing I know the storm had passed and praise the Lord I never lost power.
I am more in love today with him than I was yesterday. He is so what I need and I'm glad the Lord had me wait this long for him. He is my other half and I can't believe that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.
By the way, there was a tornado that hit down the road from me and damaged the building I work in pretty good. It blew the loading dock doors (which are huge, metal, and heavy) to our warehouse off...frame and all. The ceiling in both the men and women's restrooms collapsed and a For Sale sign had pierced the outside of the building. The storm also ripped one of our security lights out and damaged the wiring in our building. Our area of town (Antioch) was hit pretty hard. Many trees had fallen on houses and cars and quite a bit of business signs have either been blown away by the tornado and straight line winds or they were twisted and mangled and spread across the streets. Luckily there were no major injuries or deaths in our area. It could have been a lot worse. I thank the Lord for His protection and also for my guy staying on the phone with me and keeping me calm during the whole ordeal.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Creature of Habit
So I've decided to pop in today and post. I actually may make this more of a habit than I originally planned. After blogging the other day I realized that I missed it. So I'll try to be more frequent but if I'm not it's because I'm drowning in wedding plans and all the good things that go along with it.
I have realized that I am a creature of habit. I'm sure we all are but I realized this a few weeks ago. My sister in law was set to be induced to have the baby on the 10th of February so I volunteered to come down the Sunday before and stay all week to help with the cooking, cleaning and taking care of the kids so her and my brother could relax and prepare for Emma's arrival. Emma was such a big baby and Jenny was hurting so badly the last month and half of the pregnancy that I felt I needed to go down and help her out some.
Anyway, the weekend before, Alan was up in Nashville visiting me and I was able on that Sunday ride back with him to Tuscaloosa to stay with my brother and his family and become their servant for a week. It was so nice to spend a few hours on the road with my man. We always have such a good time when we are together and this was no exception. When I head down to Alabama to visit Alan I always stop at certain place coming and going. It's what I've done even before I met Alan and I was just visiting my family. So this is five years or so of stopping at this particular exit. Alan was going to keep going but I told him that we had to stop here and I couldn't stop at any other place. After he gave me the look like, "You are one crazy woman", he pulled over and I joyfully hopped out of the truck. (I actually mean I hopped out. He has no running boards on his truck and it's too high off the ground for my short legs. So I basically strap a parachute on my back and jump out.)
This particular thing is not even what I'm referring to when I say I'm a creature of habit although I can see where that may apply. My thing is that when I stop at this particular Pilot station I get the same snack. Every. Single. Time. It is the best snack in all the world but I can't find it in grocery stores...only gas stations or truck stops. Here it is:

I love popcorn. I think I get that love from my mom. She loves her some cheddar cheese popcorn. I'm a fan of all flavors. But there is something about this particular brand that really makes me want to run through a meadow of flowers. It's also gluten free if any of you are on a gluten free diet. They have many flavors: caramel, butter, white cheddar, jalapeno, red chili, and kettle corn. I've only tried the caramel, white cheddar and butter. They are all delicious but since my favorite all time flavor of popcorn is caramel that is what I always revert too and this is what I get to snack every time I go to Tuscaloosa and every time I head back to Nashville. If I don't get this...my weekend has been ruined.
I have realized that I am a creature of habit. I'm sure we all are but I realized this a few weeks ago. My sister in law was set to be induced to have the baby on the 10th of February so I volunteered to come down the Sunday before and stay all week to help with the cooking, cleaning and taking care of the kids so her and my brother could relax and prepare for Emma's arrival. Emma was such a big baby and Jenny was hurting so badly the last month and half of the pregnancy that I felt I needed to go down and help her out some.
Anyway, the weekend before, Alan was up in Nashville visiting me and I was able on that Sunday ride back with him to Tuscaloosa to stay with my brother and his family and become their servant for a week. It was so nice to spend a few hours on the road with my man. We always have such a good time when we are together and this was no exception. When I head down to Alabama to visit Alan I always stop at certain place coming and going. It's what I've done even before I met Alan and I was just visiting my family. So this is five years or so of stopping at this particular exit. Alan was going to keep going but I told him that we had to stop here and I couldn't stop at any other place. After he gave me the look like, "You are one crazy woman", he pulled over and I joyfully hopped out of the truck. (I actually mean I hopped out. He has no running boards on his truck and it's too high off the ground for my short legs. So I basically strap a parachute on my back and jump out.)
This particular thing is not even what I'm referring to when I say I'm a creature of habit although I can see where that may apply. My thing is that when I stop at this particular Pilot station I get the same snack. Every. Single. Time. It is the best snack in all the world but I can't find it in grocery stores...only gas stations or truck stops. Here it is:

I love popcorn. I think I get that love from my mom. She loves her some cheddar cheese popcorn. I'm a fan of all flavors. But there is something about this particular brand that really makes me want to run through a meadow of flowers. It's also gluten free if any of you are on a gluten free diet. They have many flavors: caramel, butter, white cheddar, jalapeno, red chili, and kettle corn. I've only tried the caramel, white cheddar and butter. They are all delicious but since my favorite all time flavor of popcorn is caramel that is what I always revert too and this is what I get to snack every time I go to Tuscaloosa and every time I head back to Nashville. If I don't get this...my weekend has been ruined.
Monday, February 21, 2011
It's Been A While...
Hello, blogging world! I have very much neglected you the past couple of months. Things have been crazy busy and I honestly haven't had much time to blog in a few months. I don't think it will get much better until after the wedding. I don't think I realized how much little things go into planning a wedding. The big stuff is easy. It's the little things that can make your head spin. I have made lists upon lists of things we need to do before the wedding. But as of today we have 89 days until the wedding or 3 months exactly! I cannot wait! The time seems to be dragging but yet it is just flying by. I've had a few nightmares where my photographer hasn't shown up for the wedding and that some random guy cut up and served my wedding cake before the ceremony even started. I also had a dream where my bridesmaids changed the dresses I picked out. They changed them to canary yellow, sequenced and a halter top. That is so not what I have picked. My dresses are chocolate brown, one shoulder empire waist dress. They're beautiful and coming from Indonesia. But I've learned that every bride has these nightmare and my photographer has assured me she will be there.
Anyway, I'm posting today to say that I will more than likely be taking a sabbatical on blogging (as if you didn't already know) until things slow down a bit and I am a married woman and settled in Alabama. I did enjoy blogging and I have every intention of keeping up with it once things slow down some. My fiancee has a computer so I will be able to blog more from our instead of elsewhere. (I blog currently from elsewhere because I don't own a home computer or laptop. I know...how very 20th century of me.)
I may though pop in every once in a while to update on things going on such as my brother and his wife had their third baby a week and a half ago. Emma Faith was born on Februaty 10th weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs even and was 22 inches long. My sister in law was a trooper and did so well. We are ecstatic that she's here.
Please be patient with me as I swim through all this wedding stuff and after I get back from my honeymoon, I plan to be more consistent with blogging. After all, this yankee is moving further south (and in the middle of Roll Tide country) so I'm sure there will be plenty of stories to tell.
Stay tuned!
Anyway, I'm posting today to say that I will more than likely be taking a sabbatical on blogging (as if you didn't already know) until things slow down a bit and I am a married woman and settled in Alabama. I did enjoy blogging and I have every intention of keeping up with it once things slow down some. My fiancee has a computer so I will be able to blog more from our instead of elsewhere. (I blog currently from elsewhere because I don't own a home computer or laptop. I know...how very 20th century of me.)
I may though pop in every once in a while to update on things going on such as my brother and his wife had their third baby a week and a half ago. Emma Faith was born on Februaty 10th weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs even and was 22 inches long. My sister in law was a trooper and did so well. We are ecstatic that she's here.
Please be patient with me as I swim through all this wedding stuff and after I get back from my honeymoon, I plan to be more consistent with blogging. After all, this yankee is moving further south (and in the middle of Roll Tide country) so I'm sure there will be plenty of stories to tell.
Stay tuned!
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