Whew! Is it hot outside or what?! It's 100 degrees outside right now. I'm not going to complain about all this heat because well, I've been sitting in my nice air conditioned apartment all day and it's quite chilly in here. I'm not going to dare turn the air up because I'm a baby and if I get remotely a little warm I whimper and whine and can't breathe. No joke. When it get a little stuffy or hot my nose and my air passage just closes right up and then I get a migraine. Is this just in my head or is this a legitimate condition I need to seek help on? :) Mayme, you're a nurse...should I be concerned? LOL! Oh let me talk to Mayme for a sec. Thank you for the belated birthday wish and I do want to play on Words With Friends so if you, or anyone for that matter, wants to play my username is janiren. I may regret sharing that. LOL!
I'm also not going to complain about the heat because it seems the whole country except for a slither of it is experiencing this heat. It's just seems unbearable. I feel so sorry for my husband and his co-workers. They work in a machine shop and it's not air conditioned. Only the office has air and so they have to work in all this heat. He says it isn't so bad because they have fans but all that does is stir up hot air. He comes home very sweaty, dirty and pretty stinky. I usually have to Febreze the house after he comes in. :)
On days like this I remember all those times in the winter when I would be freezing and begging for summer to get to here. We humans are never satisfied. So when is winter again?
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