Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday's Musings

Today I just wanted to post a list of things I'm currently thinking....

1. It is way too hot here. I'm very much over the 100 degree weather everyday. I'm praying this heatwave ends soon. I'm ready for cooler weather.

2. I cannot keep enough sweet tea in this house. I made a gallon pitcher of tea on Saturday evening and by this morning it was all gone. I think I only had two glasses out of it. My husband is addicted. I will be buying stock in sugar soon. :)

3. I cannot, for the love of Pete, beat my brother in Words With Friends on my phone. We've played at least 30 games and I've only beaten him once. It's not that he just beats me but he slaughters me. I'm talking by about 200 points. Those darn 2 letter words get me every time. I will be him again if its the last thing I do! :)

4. I enjoy blogging and I'm going to try and blog everyday even if it's just a paragraph or two.

5. I really wish more people commented on my blogs. LOL! I love conversations and sometimes I think I'm the only one that reads this blog. Maybe I should actually tell people that I do blog.

6. I love Mondays! My brother and his family come over to our apartment and we swim at the pool and have dinner together. It such a sweet time with them and the kids.

7. I love the closer relationships I'm developing with my brother and sister (in law). We've always been close but since I'm around them a whole lot more we have been getting closer. I'm trying to treasure this time together because I know we won't always be able to live near each other.

8. I'm not so fond of apartment living. I loathe white walls and want to paint so badly. We also just don't have the room here. Most of our things are crammed in our storage closet. We are anxiously waiting until I can sell my house in Nashville so we can buy a house and spread out.

9. I'm headed home Friday. By home I mean Nashville. We haven't' been to Nashville since our wedding and since Friday is my birthday we decided to go home for my birthday and spend it with my parents. I'm so excited. I've missed it terribly. Thursday I'm celebrating my birthday with my brother and his family so having two parties in one week ain't too shabby. :) I come!

10. I love reading blogs!! I just do. I think my life is so boring that I enjoy reading about other people's lives. They inspire me to try and do certain things.

11. I love strawberries. When I was younger I remember we used to go and pick strawberries. I told my husband last night I wanted to pick strawberries but had no idea if there is a strawberry patch around.

12. On the way to Charlotte last week we had to go through Gaffney. There they have a water tower in the shape of a giant peach...crack and all. My niece got a kick out of seeing the huge bottom (she's not allowed to say butt.)

13. After being in North Carolina, I think I wouldn't mind living there. I've always thought it was a beautiful state.

14. I miss my monthly women's Bible Study. I wish my church here had one. I miss that sweet time and learning from other women.

That's it. I have no other thoughts for today. We'll see what I come up with tomorrow. :)


Leah said...

It was soo good to see you in Charlotte...even if it was just for a few minutes. You looked so beautiful! I enjoy reading your blog and I am always checking in. I hope the job front starts looking promising...I know how frustrating that can be! I will be praying that the right opportunity will come your way.

T2Nashville said...

1. Yes, it's entirely too hot. We've had some rain in Nashville to help, but not enough. And it's over 100 again all this week!

2. I made a pitcher yesterday, but I used Splenda. And it's almost gone in one day!

3. I can't beat him either! I play with about 20 other people, and I manage to hold my own, but haven't beaten him once! It kills me!!

4 & 5 - I enjoy reading your blog. It always makes me smile. So I'm glad you'll be doing more of it.

6 & 7 - I've always wished I lived closer to my brother's family, but I'm grateful they are as close as they are.

8. I love apartment living, but it's not for everyone. I'm praying your house sells soon!


10. Reading blogs is part of my daily routine now. And like you, I've tried some things I wouldn't have otherwise done. They challenge me! I actually canned this weekend!

11 & 12 - I love cherries. They're my favorite fruit, and I keep a ton in my freezer. There's a big peach water tower in Clanton, AL, too - hilarious!

13. NC was where I wanted to live after college. But God had other plans.

14. I'm headed to Ladies Bible Study tonight! I've missed the last 2 months since you left due to being out of town, so I'm looking forward to going back!


Amy said...

I always read your blog but I don't always comment. My computer time has definitely dwindled since Lukas came home. Praying you hear something about a job soon!

Melissa said...

What a blessing to be close to your family! I love having Elizaberh close - just wish Becky were here too. :)

Mayme said...

I always read your blog!

You have to include me in Words..I totally love the game. I'm not so sure I want to play against Chad though!

Happy Birthday..a few days early.