Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hobnobbing With A Country Music Star

Saturday I got a text from a friend saying she had two free passes to preview The Lincoln Lawyer starring Matthew McConaughey and Ryan Phillippe and asked if I wanted to attend it with her. So not wanting to give up a free ticket to a movie or a chance to stare at Matthew McConaughey for two hours I quickly replied, "YES!"

So last night we met at the theatre and after going through security (including pat downs and metal wands and my purse practically turned upside down on the table) we quickly found seats off to the side and near the front. I had watched a trailer of this movie earlier in the day to remind myself what it was about and I had seen that Trace Adkins had a part in the film. I had no sooner said this movie fact to my friend when all of a sudden Trace comes out from the side entrance, gets a few photos made and walks in front of the audience. He was there to introduce the film to us. He said a few words and told us some behind the scenes information which were quite funny. He then walked to our side of the theatre, walked passed us and sat just a few rows behind us.

He had a very small part in the film...one scene in the beginning and a couple small scenes at the very end. When the opening credits started and Trace's name appeared everyone broke out in this thunderous applause and cheering every so loudly. Now I love Trace Adkins. I love his voice and his songs. I loved him on Celebrity Apprentice and I think he is a very nice and funny man. He wasn't a bad actor either. After saying that I'm so glad he only had a few small scenes only because of the ladies sitting directly behind me and my friend. Every time Trace appeared on screen they would start screaming and saying things and moaning. Although it was cute at first it got old very quickly (and distracting)and it took everything I had not to turned around and ask them to please moan and groan to themselves.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get any pictures of him since we were made to turn off all cameras and phones because the movie doesn't open in theaters until March 18. Overall, the movie was excellent, Matthew and Ryan were very very very good in this movie. It is a crime drama but it had some very funny lines in it. It did have some bad language a tiny bit of violence but it's more drama than anything else. It was an excellent movie and I was happy to see Matthew McConaughey do another drama. He hadn't done one like this since A Time To Kill (another excellent movie).

After the movie we walked out of the theater (behind our new friend, Trace) and was immediately pulled away but a news crew asking us our opinion of the movie and everyone in it. I was mortified. I've been out of hairspray for two days and my hair was not at it's best.

Ah, just a typical night in Nashville!


T2Nashville said...

I completely forgot to talk to you about those crazy women behind us! They drove me nuts! I like Trace, too, but seriously - they were too old to be carrying on like that. I don't think I would have been that bad, even if Matthew had been there.

Well...on second thought...LOL!

Had a great time with you! I taped Channel 4 News both last night and this morning - nothing! BOO!

Janice said...

I checked their website today and nothing. I kind of hope they don't air it or at least me. That wouldn't be good. LOL!

Leah said...

ahhh...a movie with Matthew. Sounds like a fun evening! You without hairspray...that made me grin. You don't need hairspray pretty lady! :)