I never thought that I would be going to Hawaii ever. A family friend of ours works for a company that has him traveling constantly so he has racked up some frequent flyer miles. He's accumulated so many that he has more than he knows what to with. So one day last year he told me that he wanted to send me to Hawaii. I was ecstatic...but he only gave me enough miles for one person. So he called me one day and said that he was giving me another set of miles to take a friend with me. I called my friend, Melissa, and asked her if she wanted to go with me and she didn't hesitate. Then when she told her mom she asked if she was able to find a flight out there from where she is for a decent price would we mind. We didn't care so tomorrow we all fly out and Melissa and I will be meeting up with her mom in Los Angeles and from there we will fly out to Honolulu together. I'm so excited! I can't wait. I doubt that I will be able to sleep tonight. We fly out very early...5:40 am! My dad wasn't too excited about that since he's the one taking us to the airport. At least I only live about 10 mins from there so it won't be too bad.
The only concern I have is that I woke up this morning not feeling well. I think I'm getting a sinus infection. It really started last night with my ears ringing and I had a little drainage issue going on. Then I woke up this morning and I couldn't swallow. My throat is still a little scratchy but it's not anywhere near it was earlier. I'm trying to talk my self out of being sick. Hopefully it will work. When I told my boss this morning that my symptoms, he started doping me up on Benadryl, so I'm fighting sleep right now. I'm so exhausted.
I'm also exhausted after the weekend. The fall festival went so well. I still didn't get all the workers I needed but the ones that were there really stepped up and did double duty. We had over 130 visitors there which is about 30 more than last year. We were excited. We had so many people tell us that they thought it was a fantastic festival and it was one of the best that they had been too. One lady had gone to another one earlier that day and said that ours as ten times better because it was more for the kids. So we were very happy with the way the day went. WE were burnt and tired but it was totatlly worth every minute of it. We got names and address and phone numbers of all the visitors and our visitation team at church will be visiting all them and inviting them to church. It was unbelievably hot. I prayed for good weather and the Lord sure did deliver. It was bright and sunny with no clouds in the sky. It was in the mid 80's...not October weather for sure. Here are a few pictures from the day.
This will probably be my last blog for a couple of weeks. We found out that the hotel charges $9 an hour for use of there wireless internet and their business center charges about .15 a minute so we don't know if we will be able to use the computer. Melissa is going to take her computer and hopefully we can find a place fairly close by where we can use the internet. So if we do find a place and have some free time I will try and drop a line or two. If not I will see you all in about a week. Please pray for us that we will have safety of travel there and back. We are both huge fans of the TV show LOST and believe me the pilot episode keeps playing in our minds. :) Aloha!!
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