Hawaii was everything that I had hoped it would be. It was beautiful, relaxing and so fun! I'll try to give a description of the trip as best as I can. I've been debating on how best to tell it on here so I'll try and condense it some.
Our plane left on the 7th at 5:40 am from Nashville. We were at the airport by 4:30 so we already knew this would be a long day. We flew from Nashville to Atlanta (2 hour layover) where we switched planes and flew to LAX in Los Angeles. Now, I have to say that I absolutely hate this airport. It was so confusing and we had no idea where to go and we thought we would miss our flight. We were almost certain that our luggage wouldn't make it on the plane either. We were flying Delta but then had to switch over to Northwest in LA. So once we found where we were going we realized that we had to go through security again! Ugh! This was so annoying. The line was so long...it was hot...we were hungry and tired! We knew this would cause us to miss our flight. We were meeting up with Melissa's mom here and she was waiting for us on the other side. We finally made it through security and had just enough time to grab something to eat and use the ladies room when we realize that our flight was boarding. We were so excited that we didn't miss our flight! So Melissa and I sat down and soon realized that we were sitting in the middle of 28 Polish people who did not speak a word of English!! Let me tell you....they were a noisy bunch of folk! They talked to loudly and talked the entire flight out there! I was in the middle seat and the man sitting next to me decided to serenade me by singing in Polish. Luckily he could carry a tune. :) So the entire 5 hour flight to Hawaii, he was either singing or sleeping! It was hilarious.
We finally touched down in Hawaii at about 5 pm their time which was 10 pm our time and we were exhausted. And to our amazement, our luggage all managed to arrive as well. On the shuttle ride to our hotel I kept looking out the window in amazement that I was actually in Hawaii. I couldn't believe it. It was so beautiful. Little did I know that I wasn't even seeing half of the beauty of Hawaii. I would see that 2 days later. All we did that night was check in, get our stuff settled in our room and find something to eat. We were exhausted. Oh, here was the view from our hotel room.

So after spending the majority of the day laying out and swimming at the beach (which by the way, I hate salt water...nasty) we went back up to our room to get ready to go out that night. We had reservations to go to a beach luau at Paradise Cove. That was alot of fun. We had front row seats to the dinner and show and it was spectacular! The native dancers were phenomenal. If you ever get to go to Hawaii....go to a luau!! They are wonderful. The food was really good as well. They had pork, chicken and fish. As Rachael Ray would say...YUMMO! Before the luau started we had time to watch several different native rituals like the shower of flowers, hula dancing, and some native fire dancing. It was really interesting. Then the sun was starting to set so we hurried over to get some pictures.

It was a gorgeous view. After being in Hawaii and seeing the scenery there, I can't understand how people can say there is no God. He was evident all through Hawaii. He's such an artist. Words can't describe the work He did there. Anyway, after the sun went down we ate our dinner and then the show started. It was awesome like I said before. The dancers were wonderful. I did get many pictures of the show but the one worth showing was the one I got afterwards. :) I was in heaven.
The men were very friendly and sweet. The luau ended around 10 pm and since we were still on central time we were so tired. I ended up falling asleep on the bus on the way back to the hotel. Our vacation was starting out great and it was only going to get better. I'm going to stop here for today. I can't tell the entire trip in one blog so tomorrow I'll tell about what we did for the next two days. We went on a tour of the island so look for that and more pictures.
I ended up taking almost 500 pictures while in Hawaii (thank God for digital cameras!) So if you are on Facebook, I have uploaded all of them there if you are already friends with me. I'll post a few more on here as I tell about my trip.
Since I've been back I've been swamped at work and I've been trying to get caught up and I'm still trying to get back on Central time. I'm almost there. I think after this weekend I'll be caught back up. I can't wait for you to hear about the rest of my trip! See you tomorrow.
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