Yesterday I started telling you about my trip to Hawaii. I only got two days into the vacation. So I will try and tell you about the next few days. The after the luau was Thursday and it was the day we picked to go on the Circle Island Tour. This was an amazing day. The shuttle picked us up at about 7:20 am (which by the way, the shuttle picks you up for everything...it was wonderful and the best way to get around.) Our tour guides name was Kauna (pronounced "Cow-nah"). He was a riot. He was so hilarious. He was born and raised on Oahu so he knew everything about the island. We first drove through the Beverly Hills of Hawaii. They were beautiful homes that belong to some guy I don't know so I really didn't pay that much attention. :) After that we made our way to Hanauma Bay. This was a gorgeous place. Here is the best picture I have of it.

After that we made our way up the eastward side of the island. We stopped at several other beaches and locations that were simply breathtaking. I was so mesmerized by the scenery. We couldn't have asked for a better day to do this. The weather was simply wonderful that day. We finally made our way up to the Northshore where we saw more spectacular views and we saw Chinaman's Hat. That is simply what it looks like. Here's a picture of it.
After passing by Chinaman's Hat we moved up further the North Shore and stopped at Sunset Beach and went to where the Pipeline is. The Pipeline is the big waves on the North Shore that come in at around 15 ft. All the pros come to surf it and I believe several people have died trying to surf them. They are supposed to be the biggest and most dangerous waves in the world. But when we passed by it they were only 3-4 ft high. Not very impressive but it was still cool to see it in person when you hear about it so much. After the pipeline we stopped at Waimea Falls. This was the coolest place! It's a reservation park and to get back to the falls who have to hike for 30 minutes. It was so hot that day so by the time we got back to the falls we were soaked in sweat. But they were so worth it. These are also the falls for all you LOST fans where they filmed a scene with Sawyer and Kate. In the first season they found this waterfall and jumped off them and when they jumped in the water they found two people still strapped in their airline seats with a case stuck underneath a seat. Well, the falls they jumped off of is Waimea Falls. I didn't get in to swim out there but Melissa did. It was so beautiful. The falls were really only a trickle and not pouring as much water because Hawaii was experiencing a drought when we were there but here is a picture of the falls. It might look familiar to the LOST fans.
After the stop at Waimea Falls we went through some pineapple fields and stopped at Dole Plantation. That was a neat place. We really didn't have time to look through the entire place but it was neat to visit there. The pineapple there was so delicious. That was pretty much the end our of tour. By the time we got back to our hotel it was around 5 or 6pm so we stopped off at our hotels hot tub and stayed in there for a couple of hours. Once we ready to get out we got cleaned up and decided to go find something to eat. We decided on Benihana's Japanese Steakhouse which was right next door to our hotel. It was so delicious. I love Japanese food but for some reason that particular food did not like me. I was up the entire night throwing up. I know that's gross but that was the reality of it all. I didn't not sleep at all that night. Luckily the next day was a beach day. So I slept in and tried to feel better. Melissa and her mom went to the pool to lay out and I stayed in bed. I was feeling a little better after a few hours so I decided to join them. I only stayed out there for about an hour and went back to bed my stomach was hurting so much. Then Melissa's mom came up to the room to take a nap and I met Melissa out at the beach. We had met a couple of British guys on our tour the day before and we all decided to hang out at the beach together. I was feeling a little better so I ventured out into the water and then after a little bit I went to go lay out some (I still was trying to work on a tan). I ended up dozing a bit and being out in the sun was making me feel awful so I went back up to the room to sleep some more. After a few more hours I felt like my illness had finally passed. Melissa found her way back up to the room and we all got ready to go find something to eat and shop. We found a little cafe place where they served some light sandwiches where I thought I could find something "safe" to eat. After we ate we went to the International Marketplace to do some shopping. Now this is the place to find a bunch of goodies and gifts for friends and family. There were so many little shops and you can even barter with them but I was too tired to do it. But I still feel like a got some good deals on my purchases.
I'm going to stop here. The next day we went to Kualoa Ranch which was amazing. So I want to give that a blog all it's own. So I want to leave you with a picture that I took of the sunset when we were walking to the International Marketplace. Have a great night!

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