Thursday, July 9, 2009

Watch Out...It's a Boring Blog

Oh boy, I didn't realize that It's been over a week since I updated this! I could have sworn I updated this sooner than that. Sorry. It's been a crazy week. I can't and won't give details but its just been a week that I can't wait to be over.My 4th of July went okay. I hung out at home most of the day and then went out to eat with some church friends and tried to watch the fireworks. I saw just a couple but that was it. It was raining so hard that it rained out the fireworks here. I was so bummed. I love fireworks. I guess it's the little kid in me but I love them so I was a little bit disappointed. We still had a good time though. When you are enjoying good food with good friends, there really isn't much to complain about.

My other blog More Than Just Kids seems to be taking off a bit. I get more hits on there than I do on this one. Ha! I'm enjoying writing it though. It scared me at first because I didn't know if I would have anything say since it pertains to a certain area of my life but so far so good. Of course it's only the third week. I've had several teens email me ideas or even just talking to me about what is going on their life. It's unbelievable what some teens are going through. It's so different now than when I was teen. Sometimes, I feel so inadequate talking to these teens but I feel the Lord leading me through all this and somehow I seem to have answers (whether they are the right ones are not could be debatable.) :)

The National convention is coming up and I'm so not ready for it...personally and workwise. I need to do some shopping but I hate clothes shopping. I would rather gouge my eye out than shop for clothes. I'm not a small girl and it seems as if designers think that if you are somewhat large that your clothes need to look like drapes or tablecloths. Maybe I'm not looking in the right stores but it's so depressing. But I know that I need to overcome my hatred for shopping and get it done before I leave. I have to also pack up things at work for our booth in the exhibit hall. I'm only half done. I feel like it just snuck up on me but I've known for a year when the convention was going to be. I'm just a huge procrastinator...or I just work really well under pressure. Which ever sounds better.

I got to see my brother yesterday, albeit for a total of 45 mins, if that. He brought up a few of his teens for Truth and Peace so he stopped by the office to see me and then off to the house to see mom for a bit before he headed back to Alabama. It was good to see him. I wish he could have brought his kids but it was good to spend time with just him. I'll get to see them in a couple of weeks at the National so I wasn't too sad to see him go.

There really isn't much going on here lately. Like I said in my title, it's a boring blog. It really was too. I'm so sorry to all of you who read to the end thinking it was going to get better. :)

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