Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Go Cubs Go!

Today has to be about the windiest day I have ever experienced. I now know how Chicago feels. :) Just kidding. It is pretty windy today. We had a storm come through earlier today but all I saw was alot of rain and wind. I was home during lunch when it happened so I wasn't too nervous about the storm. I'm not too crazy about storms. I know not many people love storms but there are the few exceptions. I say that I hate storms and its true for the most part but when they actually hit I'm always either on the front porch watching it or looking out the window. When there is a threat of tornadoes I get all nervous and have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach waiting for the storm to hit but the moment it's here and we have a tornado warning, I'm always looking for it. I think I'm a little sick in the head. I have a friend who is just waiting for the next tornado to hit his town so he can go chase it. He's crazy! I don't think I could chase a storm. You are just asking for trouble.

But back to the wind. I had to go to Kinko's today to drop off materials to have some notebooks made for work. I had made all the copies myself and was just taking it over there to get it binded into the notebooks. I had all 40 sets at 40 pages each stacked ever so neatly in the opened box when I stepped out my car and all the sheets went flying everywhere because of that crazy wind. It was rather humorous I'm sure to see me running all over the Kinko's parking lot in my heels trying to catch all the paper. I finally gave up and took in there what paper didn't fly out of the box. Then whilst in Kinko's their door kept flying open because of the demonic wind. I was sure their doors were going to shatter. It was crazy and don't even get me started on how pointless it was to even attempt to do my hair today. It's just one of those days.

This week is one of those weeks where I barely have time to breathe I've been so incredibly busy. I'll be glad when next week gets here so things will slow down some and I won't feel so stressed. I think this weekend will help. I'm going out of town this weekend and I think it will be a good relaxing weekend. I've been looking forward to it for a while now and it can't come soon enough for me.

Today is my brother's 33rd birthday. I can't believe it! I can't believe that we are both in our 30's. Chad is an amazing person. He's the type of person that gets along with everybody and is incredibly talented. He's an amazing father and husband and loves the Lord with all his heart. He strives to live for him each and every day and I pray that I find someone with that same love for his family and Lord. Chad and I didn't always get along when we were children. We are only 15 months apart. The funny thing is that our mom used to dress us as twins when we were babies and something he doesn't like to admit to anyone is that most of our growing up years I was taller than him. We took a family picture once and he demanded that either he stood on a box or I sat in a chair so he looked taller than me. That's pretty funny. But now he's a good 8 or 9 inches taller than me so I think he's over that now. Like I said, we didn't always get along when we were growing up now we get along great and I consider him not just a brother but a friend also. So in honor of my fantastic brother's birthday I am playing the theme song for his favorite baseball team. Happy Birthday, Chad! I love you.

1 comment:

SandraTheNana08 said...

I really enjoy reading your blogs and appreciate your candor and honesty. You are a beautiful person both inside and out!

Sandra Akers