Next week I get to go on a pretty incredible trip. I'm taking a train ride to Los Angeles, CA, and then spending a few days there touring everything and then flying home. It's going to pretty fantastic, I think. I have never ridden on a train before and we are going to spend 48 hours on this train. I'm staying in a roomette which is in the sleeping car. The train starts in New Orleans, LA, and then it goes through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and then California. I can just imagine the scenery once we get out in the desert. It will be an adventure, that's for sure.
I'm really excited about going to LA. I've never been there before. I've been to the northern part of California but never the southern part and since I'm a huge fan of TV and movies, I'm pretty stoked about this trip. We are going on a tour of all of LA the day we get there which includes, downtown LA, Hollywood and Beverly Hills. The next day we are going to the Ronald Reagan Library. I'm very excited about this. I've always wanted to go and I heard that they have Air Force One there that you can tour through. Pretty cool.
Another day we are going to Malibu. I've always heard that it's beautiful there and I'm excited to be able to walk around the beach for a little while. My friend, who is going with me, and I are hoping to do some celebrity sightings...ahem, Matthew McConaughey. :) Seriously, I don't really care about that so much but I'm just excited to be going in the first place.
I'm looking forward to this trip for a couple of reasons: 1) I get a break from wedding planning. I'm enjoying the process of planning the wedding but it will be a nice break where I don't have to make a decision on the smallest detail. 2.) I get to spend the trip with one of my best friends and bridesmaid. She and I have gotten so close and this will be a nice trip for us to spend together before I make the move to Alabama. I'm looking forward to the laughter and enlightening talks that we usually have when we are together.
This weekend starts another whirlwind weekend for my fiancee and me. We have our engagement pictures tomorrow and we are registering at a couple of places. I'm really excited about this. I love taking that little gun the stores have and shooting it at everything. I can be very dangerous with that thing. :)
Have a great weekend!!
1 comment:
Sounds fun! I hope you have a great time. If you see Matthew, tell him hello.....
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