Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Really? Am I 5 again?

I'm having a lot of firsts this week. First I forgot my brother and sister (in laws) anniversary and then something happened to me at the end of Ladies Prayer Group Monday night that has never happened to me before, believe it or not. I got stuck in a bathroom stall. I felt like I was five years old all over again. LOL! The meeting had just gotten over and I was in a hurry because I was meeting a friend downtown (a good 20 mins from the church) and I was already running late but needed to make a quick trip to the ladies room. Now, I don't know about you but when I use the same restroom quite frequently (i.e. church, work) I tend to use the same stall. I don't know what that is about.

Anyway, for some strange reason (maybe the stars were out of whack) I decided to go in the first stall rather than the second. I had a hard time getting the thing locked in the first place (common sense should have told me something there). So when I was ready to leave I couldn't get the stupid thing to turn. I did everything I could think of doing. One of the other ladies got her key to try and pry it open but the lock wouldn't budge and her key nearly broke in half. Another friend of mine was trying to push the door up while I turned the key because she got stuck in this same stall not too long ago and that's what helped her. Well, it didn't help me. The lock was completely stuck and would not turn a centimeter. Ugh! So I ended up crawling underneath the door. How embarassing and now I've furthered embarassed myself by telling all of you.

I'm sure this was exactly the kind of blog you were planning on readying today, right? :)


T2Nashville said...

I am just laughing out loud right now. I had no idea this was going on! I wish I'd had my camera for that one. And BTW, I always go in the 2nd stall, too!

Alyssa said...

Oh my goodness, Janice! This makes me laugh so hard! I just wish I had been there to witness it! Funny stuff!!!! :)