Thursday, July 30, 2009

Rambling Soapbox

Its the day after my birthday and I'm a little puppy. :( Oh well. Maybe some other day. I really wanted one but I'm sure the timing wasn't right. My office took me out to Cheddar's today and it was so good. I love that place. I don't go there very often but I love it.

Every morning I watch Good Morning America as I get ready for work. This morning I had seen a report on there that Obama was having two people to the White House for beers to settle some racist thing that he got himself involved in when he should have kept his mouth quiet. But I'll keep my opinions to myself on that. What I'm on a soapbox about today is the fact that they (being the media)are being so vocal about them having a few beers together. Now, I know people drink but is this really the message we want to send kids? The message that "Hey, let's settle our problems with alcohol." That's not the message I want my niece and nephew to see. It's not the message I want the youth in my church to see. We should not be settling our disputes with alcohol. Would the Lord bless a meeting like that? I'm all for being getting together and talking out their problems but when you add alcohol to the mix, I'm dead set against it.

If you haven't noticed I am strongly against alcohol. I don't believe it's right to drink under any circumstances. You can agree or disagree with me. If you drink, that's between you and the Lord but I don't get it. I know that there are scientific facts that say alcohol is good for you. But I don't totally buy that either. I'm more concerned in what the Scriptures say about it and what the Lord thinks of me. The Bible clearly says we are to stay away from any appearance of evil. I know alot of people don't think that drinking is evil or wrong in anyway but the effects of drinking can be. Why even put yourself in that position? The Bible also clearly says we are to be in the world and not of the world. We shouldn't be conforming to what others are doing just for the sake of fitting in or trying to win that person for the Lord. That's not how it works. If you are doing what they are doing then they are going to say why change if you are already involved in the same things they are. I know I've talked about it once before so I won't beat a dead horse.

I just was a little disturbed that they are almost praising the fact that Obama is having them over for a few beers. I just don't think that's a great message to anyone let alone the youth of today. There are better ways of settling disputes.

But what do I know? :)


Amy said...

AMEN!! I'm sick of hearing about this little meeting at the WH. You would think there wasn't anything else important going on in the world today!

Serena Martin said...

And I'll say AMEN as well!

Janice said...

I'm glad that other people feel this way. There is just more important news out there instead of this "beer summit" that took place. And calling it a summit doesn't make it a high priority meeting.