Thursday, April 15, 2010

Catching Up

Oh my goodness! I didn't even realize it's been almost a whole month since I've blogged. That's terrible of me. But you should be used to my lack of motivation and inconsistency by now. :)

Of course the lack of blogging might also mean that not one new thing is happening to me and thoughts banging around in my head are not really worth mentioning out loud or it could mean that I've just been so incredibly busy that I haven't had time. I choose to believe the latter even though the first is the truth. But anyway, I'll attempt to jot some things down today.

My new furniture did come in and I have to say that it looks GOR-GEOUS in my house. I love it! It's big. Really big...and comfortable. I had no idea it would be that big. My parents were gracious enough to hang out at my house to wait for the furniture since I was working and couldn't leave to meet the furniture delivery boys. But they (my mom mainly) were having a coronary in trying to get the furniture to fit and was calling me every 3 mins to give me an update and sending me pictures on what it looked like. I told her just to wait until I got home and I would help move things around but by the time I got home they had it all in place and I haven't moved it yet. It looks great! I love how big and comfy and full of pillows it is. Now I'm waiting for my tax refund to come in so I can go by curtains for the living room. Once that's done my little house will be so homey I may become a hermit. I love how Uncle Sam is paying for my redecorated home. :)

My sister (in-law) had surgery this past Monday. They thought she had endometreosis. She's had it once before and had the surgery when they were living up here in Nashville. She had been having quite bit of pain for awhile so they (meaning the doctors) assumed the mess was back and they wanted to go in and take care of it. They went in and she had none whatsoever. We were thankful to hear that but was a little puzzled over what was causing her pain. The doctor said that some of her organs were moved around a bit from her pregnancies so he went in there and put things back where they should and performed a DNC and everything went well. But other than being very sore she did very well. Her mom and dad stayed with them the first half of the week and now my mom is headed down there to stay the rest of the week to help take care of her, the house, brother. LOL!

I'm still with Alan. Things are going very well for us and we both couldn't be happier. Are we talking marriage? Yes and we know that we are the ones God has for us but we are just taking our time. I only mention this because we both get bombarded with questions on when we are getting married. We are just enjoying this time of being together. But it will happen and when it does I promise there will be a post with pictures, fireworks, and trumpets to let the world know that I'm finally engaged.

I bought four new tires yesterday for my car. Man, are they normally that expensive? But I desperately needed them. According to my dad and Alan, I was illegal driving on the tires. They had no grooves left on the tires. I guess that wasn't a very good thing. :) But I have four brand spanking new tires and now I feel like a responsible adult and now my family can breathe a little easier when I travel back and forth to AL. (I said they can breathe a little easier. I still speed. lol!)

I'm headed to AL this weekend to be with Alan and to visit my family. I can't go too long without seeing them and since Jenny had surgery I feel like I need to spend time with her. Of course she only uses me for my cooking skills. She has requested brownies a layered salad and homemade ice cream. I think I'll just do the brownies.

I think that catches us up on everything. How have you all been?

Happy Thursday (and Survivor night!! Woo Hoo!!)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hey Janice! I haven't commented in a while but I still read your blog...when you post!! :) I'm so glad to know things are going so well for you and Alan. I'm excited to see what the next months hold for you!