My name is Janice and I'm the horrible person that keeps up with this neglected blog that you all have probably forgotten about or not check anymore since I never update it. :) It's been awhile, I know! I can't explain the reasoning at all. I've become those that I despise. Don't you hate it when you read and check a blog everyday and they haven't updated it in like two months?! That's me!! I've become someone I talk bad about. Just kidding. I don't do that. But when I read a blog I really like and they haven't updated it in several days, weeks, months, years...I get aggravated. So to those that have gotten aggravated at me, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you somehow.
Things here are pretty much the same. I'm still at Home Missions. I'm still in Nashville living in my new house (which I am still in love with). I'm still dating my Prince Charming from Alabama. No, we are not engaged...yet. We have been together for eight months now. It doesn't seem like its been that long but yet it seems like we've been together forever. But we are very happy and very much in love. No rings or dates set yet. Stay tuned.
To catch you up on what's been happening since May, our family to a vacation to Chicago over Memorial Day weekend. We had the best time, we went to Navy Pier and Sears Tower (actually Willis Tower but I refuse to call it that). We were only in Chicago for 2 days so we didn't have much time to do much. My dad and brother went to the Cubs and Cardinals game so us girls and the kids headed to Navy Pier where we shopped, ate and played at the Children's Museum. It was a fun day. I love Chicago. It's so beautiful there. My sister in law kept saying that she could live there. Sure she could, until they had their first winter and she froze her little redneck hiney off. After Chicago, we drove down to see my grandpa and my mom's sister and her family. Then after that we drove on down to Decatur to see my grandmother and my dad's family. It was a good but very busy vacation. I needed a vacation to recoup from that vacation.
In other news, I'm going to be an aunt for the third time. My brother and sister in law are going to have baby number 3. Its still hard to believe and it didn't really sink in until I saw her last weekend. She already has quite a pooch on her. She is only about 2 months along but there is no mistaking there is a baby in there. They already have one girl and one boy so with this baby they are not going to find out what they are having. This will be a hard pregnancy on me since I like to buy either really girly stuff or very boyish masculine stuff. So I guess I'll have to learn to like yellow and green. My sister in law and I very close. We are like sisters and we tell each other everything. The only thing is she likes to tell me details I don't need or want to hear. For some reason she feels the Lord leading her to tell me the date and place where each child was created. After I hear this I jab a pen in my ears until they bleed and crawl into a fetal position. It's the only way I can cope.
Other than that, nothing new really is going on. But once again I'm going to challenge myself to update this more than once a century and come up with witty and interesting blog topics. Aren't you all so lucky?! ;-)
To catch you up on what's been happening since May, our family to a vacation to Chicago over Memorial Day weekend. We had the best time, we went to Navy Pier and Sears Tower (actually Willis Tower but I refuse to call it that). We were only in Chicago for 2 days so we didn't have much time to do much. My dad and brother went to the Cubs and Cardinals game so us girls and the kids headed to Navy Pier where we shopped, ate and played at the Children's Museum. It was a fun day. I love Chicago. It's so beautiful there. My sister in law kept saying that she could live there. Sure she could, until they had their first winter and she froze her little redneck hiney off. After Chicago, we drove down to see my grandpa and my mom's sister and her family. Then after that we drove on down to Decatur to see my grandmother and my dad's family. It was a good but very busy vacation. I needed a vacation to recoup from that vacation.

Other than that, nothing new really is going on. But once again I'm going to challenge myself to update this more than once a century and come up with witty and interesting blog topics. Aren't you all so lucky?! ;-)
Welcome back! You've been missed. I like your writing, and I like being caught up on your life. Keep it coming!
Even though I don't comment very often, I have missed your blogging. Glad things are going so well for you and Prince Charming! Enjoy the rest of your summer!
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