First piece of good news is that this will be an extremely short post today.
The second piece of good news is that I have discovered the most wonderful thing. I was paying on my car loan today and I decided to see how much longer it would take to pay the whole thing off. After calculating, I saw that I will have my car paid off in exactly one year!! Can I get a Woo to the Hoo?!?!?!
I can not believe it. Last year I finally paid off my school loan and next year I'll pay off my car loan. The only other big thing I will have to pay on each month besides your normal bills (i.e. water, electric, phone, etc.) is my mortgage payment. But does one ever really pay that off? I guess if you live there forever you can but I know that I won't be living in my home for the rest of my life.
But anyway, its such a great feeling knowing that my car is getting paid off soon and that will be one less thing to pay for. I'm trying so hard to get debt free or at least as close to it as I can. Thank the Lord for His provision and many blessings!!
Life is not measured by how many breaths you take but by what takes your breath away.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
My Tormenter
At the end of yesterday's post (if you read that far down) I mentioned I've been having a cat problem. I live in a townhouse and my home is in the middle of five units. My neighbor owns a cat. It's not an ugly cat. Its looks quite adorable but I am not a fan of cats at all. I don't wish them harm most of the time but I'm okay with never having to deal with them. For some reason now my neighbor has decided to make his cat, which was always inside, an outside cat. He sets two bowls out for its food and water which ends up in my section of the yard.
My problem with this cat is that it's all over the place. It lays under every car in the parking lot and is always lounging on everyone else's porches but it's owners. Every time I pull up, the cat makes a beeline to my car and then tries to jump in. I have to shoo it away every time. It then follows me to my door and tries to run into my house. One day I about got its head stuck in the door which would have solved all my problems but I would have had a mess to clean up. :)
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I was talking to Alan at about 10 pm when I heard this pounding noise coming from my living room window. I was sure that someone was trying to break in so I went to go look out my front door peephole when I saw this little animal scurry into my front bushes. I didn't do anything since it ran away but a few minutes later I heard it again. So this time since I knew it was an animal I looked out my blinds and looking straight at me through the window (at my eye level) was that blasted cat! He was hanging from my window screen! I was livid! I pounded on the window and he finally fell down and ran away. I went out and checked the screen and he tore a few places where he was hanging. I haven't seen his owner yet to ask if he realizes his cat is tormenting me and hanging from my windows. Alan suggested I put a few drops of antifreeze in its water (which was a joke) but I'm not that cruel. As much as this cat is annoying me I could never harm him.
I haven't seen him since that night. He must have realized he really ticked me off and is staying away OR he's planning his next attack. We shall see. :)
My problem with this cat is that it's all over the place. It lays under every car in the parking lot and is always lounging on everyone else's porches but it's owners. Every time I pull up, the cat makes a beeline to my car and then tries to jump in. I have to shoo it away every time. It then follows me to my door and tries to run into my house. One day I about got its head stuck in the door which would have solved all my problems but I would have had a mess to clean up. :)
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I was talking to Alan at about 10 pm when I heard this pounding noise coming from my living room window. I was sure that someone was trying to break in so I went to go look out my front door peephole when I saw this little animal scurry into my front bushes. I didn't do anything since it ran away but a few minutes later I heard it again. So this time since I knew it was an animal I looked out my blinds and looking straight at me through the window (at my eye level) was that blasted cat! He was hanging from my window screen! I was livid! I pounded on the window and he finally fell down and ran away. I went out and checked the screen and he tore a few places where he was hanging. I haven't seen his owner yet to ask if he realizes his cat is tormenting me and hanging from my windows. Alan suggested I put a few drops of antifreeze in its water (which was a joke) but I'm not that cruel. As much as this cat is annoying me I could never harm him.
I haven't seen him since that night. He must have realized he really ticked me off and is staying away OR he's planning his next attack. We shall see. :)
Monday, July 26, 2010
Oklahoma City
Things have been pretty busy lately around here. Well, not so much now as the last few weeks. Today its been relatively calm...which I like because I hate to be too busy because it makes me sweat and I really dislike sweating. But that's a whole other therapy session. Just kidding. I don't go to therapy...yet. But I do hate sweating which is why I don't work out. But I need to start working out because I need to lose weight and because maybe some day I will have to wear a big white poofy dress and the Lord knows how I don't want to look like the great white whale on that day.
But anyway, the since the National Convention is now behind me things will be pretty slow and I'll be able to catch up on things I had to put on hold. I really enjoyed the convention this year. I was able to see and talk with some old friends I hadn't seen for awhile. Of course, facebook does help in keeping every connected better but it's still nice to connect face to face. I also learned that one or two more people read my blog. That made me excited since I didn't think anyone but a few read it. There was a small rumor going around that I was engaged. I had so many people come up and congratulate me on the engagement. I have no idea where that got started but to clarify...I'm not engaged. I even had a lady at my church yesterday ask me when the big day was going to be. I just laughed and said that I don't yet but as soon as I get engaged I'll be sure to figure that out. lol! But I'm happily dating the man that I will eventually marry but we are enjoying the dating experience for now. ;-)
Other than that the National was alot of fun and I enjoyed being in Oklahoma City. I had never been to OK so I was looking forward to it. Well, I had been to the OKC airport to visit a guy but that is a memory I'm trying to erase my memory. Anyway, we had a little free time during the week to go visit the OKC Bombing Memorial. It wasn't but just a few blocks from our hotel. I remember the day that happened. It was so sad to watch on the news but you don't really know how it was until you visit the memorial and the museam. It was very sad and you kind of leave there with a heaviness in your heart but it was a neat place to visit. I recommend everyone touring it at least one time if you are ever in the OKC area.
My parents and I decided this year for the National to drive to AL and ride a charter bus with my brother's youth group and the the youth group of another church nearby. It was quite an experience. They gave us a bus at first that stunk like rotten eggs but it was enough to seat all of us. (We only had 4o some ride down there but we were bringing back a few extra.) But because the smell was so bad they brought us a different bus. The only problem was that it was a smaller bus so we didn't have room for all the ones we were bringing back that we would have on the first bus. So we decided not to worry about it that day and figure out something later. It was a long 12 hour bus ride to OKC from AL. The air decided not to work on the way down there and it was rather warm. The bus company took the bus and put it in the shop to figure out what was wrong with the air. They decided that instead of getting a new 52 passenger bus that they would just rent a car for us to drive back behind the bus. So my sister (in law), nephew, mom, and my self drove the car. I'm so thankful we did because the air on the never got fixed and the driver decided he was in the Indy 500 and was weaving in and out of traffic. Everyone who rode the bus had gotten so sick because of the heat and the motion. I felt bad for them but so glad I was in the car even though I drove most of the way home.
But overall, the National was great a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to the convention next year in Charlotte. I like North Carolina. I always thought it was a pretty state. When my parents were missionaries we traveled there quite a bit for itinerate services. I've always enjoyed going.
I promise tomorrow my post will be shorter and maybe a little more interesting. It's a cat story and they are not my favorite animal and I'm having a war with a cat next door. Stay tuned.
But anyway, the since the National Convention is now behind me things will be pretty slow and I'll be able to catch up on things I had to put on hold. I really enjoyed the convention this year. I was able to see and talk with some old friends I hadn't seen for awhile. Of course, facebook does help in keeping every connected better but it's still nice to connect face to face. I also learned that one or two more people read my blog. That made me excited since I didn't think anyone but a few read it. There was a small rumor going around that I was engaged. I had so many people come up and congratulate me on the engagement. I have no idea where that got started but to clarify...I'm not engaged. I even had a lady at my church yesterday ask me when the big day was going to be. I just laughed and said that I don't yet but as soon as I get engaged I'll be sure to figure that out. lol! But I'm happily dating the man that I will eventually marry but we are enjoying the dating experience for now. ;-)
Other than that the National was alot of fun and I enjoyed being in Oklahoma City. I had never been to OK so I was looking forward to it. Well, I had been to the OKC airport to visit a guy but that is a memory I'm trying to erase my memory. Anyway, we had a little free time during the week to go visit the OKC Bombing Memorial. It wasn't but just a few blocks from our hotel. I remember the day that happened. It was so sad to watch on the news but you don't really know how it was until you visit the memorial and the museam. It was very sad and you kind of leave there with a heaviness in your heart but it was a neat place to visit. I recommend everyone touring it at least one time if you are ever in the OKC area.
My parents and I decided this year for the National to drive to AL and ride a charter bus with my brother's youth group and the the youth group of another church nearby. It was quite an experience. They gave us a bus at first that stunk like rotten eggs but it was enough to seat all of us. (We only had 4o some ride down there but we were bringing back a few extra.) But because the smell was so bad they brought us a different bus. The only problem was that it was a smaller bus so we didn't have room for all the ones we were bringing back that we would have on the first bus. So we decided not to worry about it that day and figure out something later. It was a long 12 hour bus ride to OKC from AL. The air decided not to work on the way down there and it was rather warm. The bus company took the bus and put it in the shop to figure out what was wrong with the air. They decided that instead of getting a new 52 passenger bus that they would just rent a car for us to drive back behind the bus. So my sister (in law), nephew, mom, and my self drove the car. I'm so thankful we did because the air on the never got fixed and the driver decided he was in the Indy 500 and was weaving in and out of traffic. Everyone who rode the bus had gotten so sick because of the heat and the motion. I felt bad for them but so glad I was in the car even though I drove most of the way home.
But overall, the National was great a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to the convention next year in Charlotte. I like North Carolina. I always thought it was a pretty state. When my parents were missionaries we traveled there quite a bit for itinerate services. I've always enjoyed going.
I promise tomorrow my post will be shorter and maybe a little more interesting. It's a cat story and they are not my favorite animal and I'm having a war with a cat next door. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
A Redhead, A Brunette, and a Rest Area
This past weekend I was in Alabama again. The only difference than any other weekend I'm down there was that my family was not there. My sister in law had a girls weekend trip with the women in her family so she loaded up the kids and brought them to my parents house for the weekend. My brother at the last minute decided to go up to Nashville to see my parents as well. I already had planned to go to Alabama because my boyfriend and I had plans to spend Saturday at the lake with some friends.
My brother came home Saturday evening but Jenny and the kids were not coming back until Sunday evening. I always leave Sunday afternoon to head back to Nashville. I didn't get to really see her or the kids at the start of the weekend. We knew that we would be passing each other on the interstate so we decided to meet up somewhere so we could all see each other for a few minutes. We kept calling and saying what mile marker we were at and then we both realized we were a mile from the same rest area so we decided to meet there. I pull up to the parking lot and get sort of confused. I gaze across the interstate just in time to see Jenny pulling up at the rest area on the other side of the interstate. I call Jenny and say, "Hey! Look across the interstate." She did and we both start dying of laughter. I waved at her and said, "We are idiots."
So I drove up to the next exit and turned around and met up with them at their rest area. I got out of the car and my nephew saw me and screamed my name and came running down the sidewalk and flung himself into my arms. It was so sweet. He kept saying, "Janice! You're here!" Then he gave me the biggest hug and sweetest kiss. My niece then saw me and did the same thing. It just melts my heart when those two get excited to see me. I love those little faces so much and I'm so thankful that I get to see them more often than I use to. I have my Alabama boyfriend to thank for that. :)
Anyway, we stayed there for a few minutes so I could admire my sister in law's belly. She is getting big for only being a few months pregnant. She looks so cute. We talked and got caught up for about 10 minutes then decided to hit the road. Luckily for her, she only had about 20 more miles to go but I still had a 3 1/2 hour drive ahead of me and it was getting late. (There were storms headed to Nashville and I was trying to beat them home.)
About an hour later I get a text from Alan (my boyfriend) that said, "So you had a blond moment there?" I had no idea what he was talking so I told him no and why was he asking such a question and texting me while he was in church. Shame! Shame! He called me after church and said that Chad told him what me and Jenny did regarding the rest stops. I didn't know it was such a stupid move but it really was. In our defense, I really thought it was one rest area that both sides of the interstate go to. I have seen those and just assumed that this one was the same. Anyway, this story probably wasn't that funny to you but we sure laughed about it and especially how both my brother and my boyfriend called us idiots. But if they want to pull the thread on the idiot factor, I do have whoppers of stories about them....but I won't. :)
My brother came home Saturday evening but Jenny and the kids were not coming back until Sunday evening. I always leave Sunday afternoon to head back to Nashville. I didn't get to really see her or the kids at the start of the weekend. We knew that we would be passing each other on the interstate so we decided to meet up somewhere so we could all see each other for a few minutes. We kept calling and saying what mile marker we were at and then we both realized we were a mile from the same rest area so we decided to meet there. I pull up to the parking lot and get sort of confused. I gaze across the interstate just in time to see Jenny pulling up at the rest area on the other side of the interstate. I call Jenny and say, "Hey! Look across the interstate." She did and we both start dying of laughter. I waved at her and said, "We are idiots."
So I drove up to the next exit and turned around and met up with them at their rest area. I got out of the car and my nephew saw me and screamed my name and came running down the sidewalk and flung himself into my arms. It was so sweet. He kept saying, "Janice! You're here!" Then he gave me the biggest hug and sweetest kiss. My niece then saw me and did the same thing. It just melts my heart when those two get excited to see me. I love those little faces so much and I'm so thankful that I get to see them more often than I use to. I have my Alabama boyfriend to thank for that. :)
Anyway, we stayed there for a few minutes so I could admire my sister in law's belly. She is getting big for only being a few months pregnant. She looks so cute. We talked and got caught up for about 10 minutes then decided to hit the road. Luckily for her, she only had about 20 more miles to go but I still had a 3 1/2 hour drive ahead of me and it was getting late. (There were storms headed to Nashville and I was trying to beat them home.)
About an hour later I get a text from Alan (my boyfriend) that said, "So you had a blond moment there?" I had no idea what he was talking so I told him no and why was he asking such a question and texting me while he was in church. Shame! Shame! He called me after church and said that Chad told him what me and Jenny did regarding the rest stops. I didn't know it was such a stupid move but it really was. In our defense, I really thought it was one rest area that both sides of the interstate go to. I have seen those and just assumed that this one was the same. Anyway, this story probably wasn't that funny to you but we sure laughed about it and especially how both my brother and my boyfriend called us idiots. But if they want to pull the thread on the idiot factor, I do have whoppers of stories about them....but I won't. :)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Just in Case You Have Forgotten...
My name is Janice and I'm the horrible person that keeps up with this neglected blog that you all have probably forgotten about or not check anymore since I never update it. :) It's been awhile, I know! I can't explain the reasoning at all. I've become those that I despise. Don't you hate it when you read and check a blog everyday and they haven't updated it in like two months?! That's me!! I've become someone I talk bad about. Just kidding. I don't do that. But when I read a blog I really like and they haven't updated it in several days, weeks, months, years...I get aggravated. So to those that have gotten aggravated at me, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you somehow.
Things here are pretty much the same. I'm still at Home Missions. I'm still in Nashville living in my new house (which I am still in love with). I'm still dating my Prince Charming from Alabama. No, we are not engaged...yet. We have been together for eight months now. It doesn't seem like its been that long but yet it seems like we've been together forever. But we are very happy and very much in love. No rings or dates set yet. Stay tuned.
To catch you up on what's been happening since May, our family to a vacation to Chicago over Memorial Day weekend. We had the best time, we went to Navy Pier and Sears Tower (actually Willis Tower but I refuse to call it that). We were only in Chicago for 2 days so we didn't have much time to do much. My dad and brother went to the Cubs and Cardinals game so us girls and the kids headed to Navy Pier where we shopped, ate and played at the Children's Museum. It was a fun day. I love Chicago. It's so beautiful there. My sister in law kept saying that she could live there. Sure she could, until they had their first winter and she froze her little redneck hiney off. After Chicago, we drove down to see my grandpa and my mom's sister and her family. Then after that we drove on down to Decatur to see my grandmother and my dad's family. It was a good but very busy vacation. I needed a vacation to recoup from that vacation.
In other news, I'm going to be an aunt for the third time. My brother and sister in law are going to have baby number 3. Its still hard to believe and it didn't really sink in until I saw her last weekend. She already has quite a pooch on her. She is only about 2 months along but there is no mistaking there is a baby in there. They already have one girl and one boy so with this baby they are not going to find out what they are having. This will be a hard pregnancy on me since I like to buy either really girly stuff or very boyish masculine stuff. So I guess I'll have to learn to like yellow and green. My sister in law and I very close. We are like sisters and we tell each other everything. The only thing is she likes to tell me details I don't need or want to hear. For some reason she feels the Lord leading her to tell me the date and place where each child was created. After I hear this I jab a pen in my ears until they bleed and crawl into a fetal position. It's the only way I can cope.
Other than that, nothing new really is going on. But once again I'm going to challenge myself to update this more than once a century and come up with witty and interesting blog topics. Aren't you all so lucky?! ;-)
To catch you up on what's been happening since May, our family to a vacation to Chicago over Memorial Day weekend. We had the best time, we went to Navy Pier and Sears Tower (actually Willis Tower but I refuse to call it that). We were only in Chicago for 2 days so we didn't have much time to do much. My dad and brother went to the Cubs and Cardinals game so us girls and the kids headed to Navy Pier where we shopped, ate and played at the Children's Museum. It was a fun day. I love Chicago. It's so beautiful there. My sister in law kept saying that she could live there. Sure she could, until they had their first winter and she froze her little redneck hiney off. After Chicago, we drove down to see my grandpa and my mom's sister and her family. Then after that we drove on down to Decatur to see my grandmother and my dad's family. It was a good but very busy vacation. I needed a vacation to recoup from that vacation.

Other than that, nothing new really is going on. But once again I'm going to challenge myself to update this more than once a century and come up with witty and interesting blog topics. Aren't you all so lucky?! ;-)
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