Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Music or No Music?

I love music. I love to sing it and I love to listen to it. I wish I had kept up with piano lessons but I took two years and quit when I was in elementary school. I do regret that decision now. I can play a little bit but I have to really work hard at it. But music has always been a big part of my life. If you know my family at all you know that it is a huge part of our lives. I grew up listening to Southern Gospel. We always went to concerts anytime that they were around. My parents were always a part of some type of singing group while I was growing up. When my brother and I were old enough they started having us sing with them. I was not a good singer when I was younger. Not at all. Ask anyone in my family. I basically had to teach my self how to carry a tune. My family really worked with me as well. My brother, on the other hand, is pitch perfect, the jerk. :) Just kidding. He is pitch perfect though. He's incredibly talented and is now doing a great job as the music director at his church. His wife can also sing. She is a soprano and has a beautiful voice. I love singing with Chad and Jenny. Sometimes when I visit their church the three of us will sing together and there is just something about family harmony. I love it! Before you, Alan can not sing. Bless his heart, he's tone deaf, I think. Don't worry he knows it and admits it to anyone. He tries though and I think I'm the only one that is blessed to hear him sing when we are jamming in the car to the radio. But I love it. I don't mind listening to his tone deaf self. I just sing along with him.

There's something about music though that just makes things so much better. It speaks to the heart and can minister in ways that otherwise seems impossible. When I found out that I could add a playlist to my blog I was pretty excited and so it's been on there pretty much from the beginning. I try to add a new song every time I post a new blog. I try to find a song that has to do with something that I've written. Sometimes I just add a song that I really enjoy or a new song that I had just heard on the radio or (love that website). I recently took the playlist off because I was trying to add a video to a post but ended up just using a link but I kept the playlist off. Sometimes I'll leave it off if I have a video on here so it's not overlapping the sound of the video. I didn't put the playlist back on because I just forgot but it got me you all enjoy the music playing or is it too distracting when you read the posts? I would love to know your thoughts.

Happy Wednesday!

PS - Today is Day 1 of my new life change way of eating and I've had so much water today that I literally have been in the ladies room around 10 times. No lie. I'm sure the buildings receptionist thinks I either have a bladder infection, UTI, or am stopped up. (Isn't that a lovely vision?) :)

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