This past weekend I made another trip to Alabama. It was a very enjoyable trip, although it was a little boring at times. It came some severe storms that kept us inside most of the time. We spent the majority of Saturday at my brother's house. When bad weather comes my brother turns on the news and leaves it there. He learned it from out mom who does the same thing. I don't necessarily do that. When I hear the sirens I know I need to run for cover or in most of my cases, run outside to see if I can find the tornado. Until then, I'm watching a movie or reading a book or just doing whatever. I'll occasionally flip over to the weather to see what's its doing just to be informed. Anyway, Saturday I spent the day at my brother's and he had the local weather on all day long. I mean...All. Day. Long. It was a long day. :) I know that he just keeping up with it to protect his family but it made for a very long and boring day. Oh he was fine. He had his iPhone with all its neat little games and gadgets but those of us who don't have cool phones had to sit in boredom. So occasionally Alan and I would go take a walk or drive around.
My sweet boyfriend is an outdoors person and when he is stuck inside he's bored out of his mind and feels like he's wasting time. Me? I'm not an outdoors person because well, I hate bugs and all creepy crawly things. But I'm learning to be more outdoors and just run and shriek when a wasp or huge bumble bee comes within 20 feet of me. But anyway, I kept saying that we need to play a board game or cards or something before I start gauging my eyes out to have something to do. Our family used to be huge on board and card games. That's what we always did. We love our Scrabble. Chad plays it constantly on his phone with friends which should have been my first clue that I need not play this game with him. But he suggested that someone (definitely not him since he needed to monitor the weather, yeah, right) run to Wal-Mart and pick up a Scrabble board. So Jenny and I ran to Wal-Mart and got it. We ended up playing much later that evening after Jenny went to bed so it was just Chad, Alan and myself. Alan had never played it before so after brief instructions we started our game. It started off normal with words like hater and stowed being placed on the board. Now I was really excited when I formed the word toupee. I was stoked. I had never formed a word that big which should tell you something of my spelling skills. :)
But then Chad started putting down all these two letter words like jo and qi. What?! What is a jo or qi? He always prefaced his moves with, "I promise this is a word. I play scrabble all the time on my phone." Okay, one...don't be a bragger about your cool new phone. picture is not by the work gullible in the dictionary. Okay, it may be but I'm not falling for your shenanigans this time buckaroo. Then he always said that if we didn't believe him to look up in the dictionary which the only one they had was an online version on Chad's cool new phone. So you better believe I decided to call his bluff and look up every single word he put down. Shoot, they are real words. Needless to say that Chad skunked us by at least 100 points. But I'm not bitter....not about the game or his phone. :) Oh and he's not a sore winner either by any means. He totally did not rub it in our faces that he won with words we've never heard of that he found on his cool new phone. *I hope you are reading this with sarcasm but that is so how I'm typing it.* :)
What's the moral of this story? Break Chad's phone before you play Scrabble.
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