I guess its also very good for you with all types of minerals and vitamins. Whatever. It was good. I'm trying to get in the mindset of losing weight. I need to lose weight and I really want to so I can feel better and to be honest look better. I can't tell you how many times I've started and stopped dieting. It's ridiculous. But I'm really getting into the mindset of losing weight and being healthy (at least I will be once I finish this Mt. Dew I'm drinking right now.) It's getting a little easier now that I'm cooking on a regular basis. I have plenty of light, low-fat, low-cal cookbooks in my bookcase to last me five lifetimes. I think for next week I'm going to try all new light recipes every night of the week. It should be interesting. Now to actually make time to sit down to find recipes and write it all down is completely another story.
I did try to get up this morning and walk before work. Of course, the key word was try. It didn't happen. Last night I had set out the clothes I would walk in and I set my alarm for 5:30 but when it went off I totally changed it to my regular time to get up. I'm so lazy. I'll admit it. But I'm going to try and walk tonight and I'm going to try and get again tomorrow. It's just severe determination that I need. I'll get it one of these days.
Happy Wednesday!
1 comment:
Hey, this picture is of a Fuze Refresh, and I drink the Fuze Slenderize. I haven't compared the stats on the 2, but you might find less calories in the Slenderize version. I LOVE FUZE!
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