Life is not measured by how many breaths you take but by what takes your breath away.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I Chalk It Up To Old Age...if you call 31 old.
It was just a crazy weekend for us. We had a new music director try out at our church this past Sunday. On Saturday night we had a fellowship for them so our people could meet, ask questions, and get to know this person. Afterwards our band and praise team got together with them and worked on the service for Monday. Our current music director is going to seminary school out of town and so he and his wife will be moving next month. So we had a new person try out at our church and it was interesting. They are very talented. Terrific singer and extraordinary guitar player but every one's different, so it will be interesting to see how the church votes. I know how our band and praise team are voting and how they feel about things. I just hope the whole church is on the same page as we are. We will see. We are voting on Sunday so please pray for our church and the Lord's will in this matter. The music program is such an important part of the services and it's so crucial to get the right person for the job.
Last night we had Ladies Prayer Group and we had a fabulous time. I might have mentioned on here that we are studying the Proverbs 31 woman. I'm learning so much and enjoying every bit of the lessons. I'm not teaching the lessons this year so I'm getting so much more out of it since I'm not teaching it. Does that make sense? I usually am so worried over what I would say and what things I should leave in or leave out that I don't usually get anything out of it. But since I'm not teaching it I'm getting so much out of the lessons. It's been a nice break for me not to teach the lessons this year.
After that I met up with a college friend for dessert so we could catch up. We live in the same town but yet the only time we ever see each other is when we go to the National every year. Isn't that sad? So we decided to get together and hang out a little. It was so much fun. It made me miss all my college friends. I had the best friends in college and when you graduate sometimes you just lose touch with some of them. But with my friend last night, it was like no time had passed at all. We stayed until 11:30 pm in front of Maggie Moo's (yum) on West End Avenue just talking and laughing and watching the hugest rats I had ever seen go by. But needless to say, I'm extremely tired this morning since I didn't get into bed until almost 1am! It was worth it though.
I don't know if you noticed but I've added a link to my new blog on the right side of this blog. I had mentioned on here last week or two that I'm starting a new blog. I'll keep this one as well since this is my personal blog. The new one is for work and its called More Than Just Kids. It's geared more towards our missionary kids but its really for all teens and preteens and for anyone who wants to read it. So if you don't mind just mosey over there and give it a read. I will talk about my experience growing up in a home missionary family and all the adventures we had during that time. I'm also going to be discussing topics that the teens ask me to talk about and encourage them in any way I can. I've gotten some good feedback on it so please feel free to pass this along to your children or friends of yours. If you have any comments or topics you feel needs to be covered on it, please feel free to let me know. I'm always open to suggestions. You can go to the new blog here. I hope you enjoy it. I think I'll enjoy writing it. It's a subject I know all too well.
Happy Tuesday!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
America's Got Talent
Disclaimer: you will need to scroll down and pause my playlist so you can see/hear this clip.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Storms and Songs
Before I had left for Starbucks I was sitting in the dark reading a book and listening to the radio. I was listening to what they call easy listening but it was mostly 80's and early 90's music. Have you ever listened to a song and it instantly takes you back to the moment where you first heard that song? The song Glory of Love by Peter Cetera came on the radio and I was instantly transported back to 1986 and into my aunt and uncle's living room where I watched The Karate Kid Pt. 2 for the first time. I remember being in my pajamas snuggled in a sleeping bag on the floor with my brother and two cousins. We each had our own bowl of buttery popcorn and our favorite drink and were so excited to watch this sequel. I particularly remember watching the scene where Daniel and Kumiko were racing to this song on the shores of Okinawa (it was probably the shores of Los Angeles but it was meant to be the shores of Okinawa). They stop at this certain place and she tells Daniel of old customs her village would have and then they close their eyes and think of their dreams and pray that they would come true. I thought Ralph Macchio was the most good looking guy I had ever seen. He was tall, dark and handsome (every girl's dream, right?). It almost took me off guard though at how quickly I was placed back in time when I first heard that song. It did nothing but stir warm memories in my heart and make me long for the much simpler days of the life of a nine year old girl.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Let's Get Physical

I guess its also very good for you with all types of minerals and vitamins. Whatever. It was good. I'm trying to get in the mindset of losing weight. I need to lose weight and I really want to so I can feel better and to be honest look better. I can't tell you how many times I've started and stopped dieting. It's ridiculous. But I'm really getting into the mindset of losing weight and being healthy (at least I will be once I finish this Mt. Dew I'm drinking right now.) It's getting a little easier now that I'm cooking on a regular basis. I have plenty of light, low-fat, low-cal cookbooks in my bookcase to last me five lifetimes. I think for next week I'm going to try all new light recipes every night of the week. It should be interesting. Now to actually make time to sit down to find recipes and write it all down is completely another story.
I did try to get up this morning and walk before work. Of course, the key word was try. It didn't happen. Last night I had set out the clothes I would walk in and I set my alarm for 5:30 but when it went off I totally changed it to my regular time to get up. I'm so lazy. I'll admit it. But I'm going to try and walk tonight and I'm going to try and get again tomorrow. It's just severe determination that I need. I'll get it one of these days.
Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
New Blog
There will be three official Home Missions blogs. My boss had talked to me about last week and asked me to think about starting a new blog. He and his wife (who plays a vital role with our missionaries) have been toying with a way to keep in touch with our missionaries and their families on a regular basis. They've realized that blogging is a popular format and so they will be starting a blogs to our missionaries. Of course, anybody can read them but it will be geared towards the missionaries. He asked me last week if I would considered writing a weekly blog geared toward the MK's or missionary kids. I know I've mentioned on here that I used to write a children's newsletter that was exclusive to our missionaries' children. I grew up a Home Missionary's kid so I've been right where they are and understand everything they are going through. It'll be just a weekly blog and it will be geared towards the teens. We'll see how it goes. I'll put a link on here when I get it up and going in case you want to follow it.
This past weekend I went to AL to see my family. I had a great time. My niece and nephew are growing up so fast and they were just a ball to be with. On Saturday my dad, brother, and sister in law were in a golf tournament (well my sister in law worked at it) so my mom and I babysat the kids. It was so much fun. My niece and I decided to make a huge fort in the living room and by fort I mean we laid blankets over every piece of furniture so they would have tunnels to crawl through. Just as we would get the fort completed my nephew would throw himself on top of the blankets and knock the whole thing down. It was pretty funny because he would just giggle and laugh so hard. He totally knew what he was doing. My niece would get so mad at him and yell but he's 18 months old...what are going to do? :) We all would just play and laugh and dance and scream. My nephew is very much into screaming at the top of his lungs in this high pitch girl scream. It was pretty deafening but he got a kick out of it. My niece is such a little girl now. It seems like yesterday she was just a baby. She's getting too big too quickly and it melts your heart when she started saying, "Jan Jan, I don't want you to go home. I want you to stay here with me." She would just hang on to my neck so tight. It would bring tears to my eyes. I don't get to spend near as much time with them as I would like. I hate not being able to see them all the time. But I do get to talk to them on the phone and they know I'm family. Well, my niece knows. She has finally figured out that Chad and I are brother and sister like her and Luke are brother and sister. She's just too cute for words.
I will say though that my trip down there was pretty uneventful until I got into Tuscaloosa. I was about 5 miles from the exit I'm supposed to get off on when the traffic comes to a dead stop. I mean people are out of their cars and walking around kind of dead stop. I called my brother to see if I could get off the nearest exit to wind my way to their house because I wasn't moving. Of course he said it was too confusing and difficult and I could get lost (yeah, right!). So I stayed on the interstate and 2 hours later I'm finally getting off my exit! The reason for the traffic jam? Cows. Yep, somehow cows on a truck got loose and there were cows on the interstate....only in Alabama. Makes me glad I eat meat. :-)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Looking so forward to turkey burgers, church and then Wipeout tonight. Wipeout, in case you didn't know. Is one of the funniest shows they air during the summertime. I laugh so hard when watching this show. You need to check it out. My dad wants to do this show as well. Why anyone would subject themselves to this type of adventure, I'll never know. But, it gives me great laughs. :)
Happy Wednesday!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Crazy 8's
8 Things I'm looking forward to:
1. meeting the man God has for me
2. the day that I can write full time as a profession
3. a real vacation where there is sunshine and beaches
4. losing all my weight
5. Karen Kingsbury's second book in the Above the Line series.
6. spending the weekend with my brother and his family
7. my mom being well again
8. buying a house
8 things I did yesterday:
1. went to church
2. ate chicken and dumplings at Cracker Barrel
3. took a nap
4. prayed with my mom
5. picked out a few outfits for my niece and nephew
6. got a migraine
7. had a great conversation with a couple of friends
8. watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (odd movie)
8 things I wish I could do:
1. get married
2. write a book
3. heal my mom
4. live closer to my brother and his family
5. live out in the country
6. buy a house
7. go back to Hawaii with real friends
8. get an American Bulldog
8 Shows I Watch:
2. Dancing with the Stars
3. The Office
4. Castle
5. The Amazing Race
6. Survivor
7. American Idol
8. The Closer
That's about it. I probably won't tag anyone else. I had a good weekend though. I was able to just sit and relax on Saturday which is my favorite thing to do on those days. I then went to Target and bought the cutest plastic glasses for my kitchen. Love them!! Then I went over to a friend's house and swam for a little bit (the water was freezing so we only stayed 30 mins.) Then we watched Twilight. Great movie. I'm so looking forward to the next installment of the Twilight saga.
Sunday was a great day. The gentleman who does our welcome in our worship service had mentioned Cracker Barrel and so everyone was craving it. There were about twenty of us that ended up at Cracker Barrel after the service. Good times. Good food. Good laughs. I love the days when you are just surrounded by good friends and laughter. It doesn't get any better than that.