We thought he was so cute. Not just anyone can pull that look off. He took extra special care of his car too. He cleaned the windows and walked around the car wiping at smudges. He then popped the hood and checked the oil and then stood in this pose forever looking at his cell phone. We think he was on his way to pick up his girlfriend for a date. :) I had never seen pants like that and I thought he pulled it off nicely with his bubblegum pink jacket. Just by looking at his outfit I bet he leads quite an interesting life.
I got quite a bit done last night in packing, I thought. I was able to pack up 90% of my kitchen and all of my dining room stuff. I ran out of bubble wrap and I don't have newspaper so after that, I just quit. I was trying to watch American Idol, NCIS, and Dancing with the Stars during all this too, which made the packing process a little slower. But my mom is coming over tonight to help me finish everything up so I know that I'll get everything done. It's hard to pack up everything all by yourself. I'm always afraid that I'm packing everything "correctly" and things will end up broken. My only problem right now is trying to decide what to store in my storage unit and what to take with me at my temporary living quarters.
So I have a pet peeve (I have quite a few actually) and it really bothered me today. If you have a question about me or my family...ask me!! Don't ask someone else about my family when I'm sitting 10 feet away from you. I can't stand it when people think they know more about my family than I know about my family. They're my family...I know them! There is a certain person I work with who thinks they know everything about everything all ready but they also attend my church and think they know everything that is going on with my family. Not true at all and it bugs me to no end when others are going to her for information about my family when I'm sitting right there listening to everything that is being said. I don't like to give out much information about my family because it's private but this person will just blurt everything out especially when she doesn't know the whole story or all the details. Ugh! I just get so frustrated but if I say anything I look like a snobby prude. Not everyone needs to know every detail of the situations we are in and it's really not that I'm that upset about it. It's the fact that I'm sitting right there and they go to someone else to get information about something going on with my family. Am I invisible? Do you think that I don't know what's going on? My family doesn't keep secrets from each other so more than likely, I know the answer to your question. But maybe they ask others because they know that I'm very selective of what I tell to people and whom I tell it too. Okay, I'm off my soapbox now. I guess my rant today doesn't make me much of a virtuous woman. I'll keep working on that. :)
*The song choice for today has nothing to do with today's post. I just really like the song.
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