Thursday, March 5, 2009

When There's No Getting Over That Rainbow

Usually when I go to bed I read for about an hour or so but last night I just didn't feel like reading. I wasn't in the mood for TV either so I was laying there thinking this was going to be a long night. I glanced over to my jewelry stand when I saw my iPod sitting there. So I grabbed it and turned it on and started looking at all the songs I had on there when I came across Karen Carpenter. I absolutely LOVE Karen Carpenter. If you were to ask me who my favorite female singer past or present is, I would have to say her. I love her voice. She had a voice like no other and was very distinct. She had a really good range on her and her voice was just so smooth and velvety. The songs she sang can be so sad. I have the "Love Songs" compilation CD of The Carpenters and I love every bit of it but man, when you don't have a significant other it gets really sad and depressing. The songs are beautiful though. The song I'm playing today is one of my favorites. It seems like all her songs is a testament to my life sometimes. So last night in bed I'm jamming with Karen and crying my eyes out for what I don't have. It was very therapeutic. I woke up this morning feeling so much better about my single state. I guess I just needed to cry and mourn the relationship that I lost. I never said it on here but I was talking to someone for the past few months and just recently it pretty much ended. I'm very sad about it because well there are unanswered questions that will probably never be answered. Things were or were not done that I don't understand and that I will probably never understand which just broke my heart and I've been very sad for a little while. He is an amazing man who is ridiculously talented and had become a great friend to me as well and things just didn't work out. But after last night and talking with friends/family and talking to God I now have a peace on the situation.

You ever get in those moods where everyone around you is just about to drive you crazy and even if they look your direction you want to rip their arm off and beat them over the head with it? That's how I've been feeling for the past few days. I'm getting so annoyed easily with people. I'm sure what I've been going through the past month has a lot to do with it. What I've really been aggravated at is people who can't do something simple themselves like make one copy on the copier or who ask me ridiculous stupid questions where if they would just use their common sense they can figure it out themselves. I mean, how helpless can one person be? Whew. That felt good. ;-) I'm sure I'll get over this feeling soon, but right now I probably should call in sick or go on vacation. I feel like I need a vacation after the emotional roller coaster I've been on lately. I just have one thing to say....Men think its hard to understand women? Well, its very hard to understand men. That's all I'm saying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to come see me...that will be therapy for you! I'm sorry that you have been down, but I am still praying for you. Btw, I heard you are coming in this weekend...Steven is preaching at our church this Sunday...just a thought for you!