This is what it looked like at 6 pm last night here in Nashville. After complaining yesterday that Nashville doesn't get enough snow I was proved wrong! It rained most of the day yesterday but than about 5 pm it started snowing and a few hours later we had about 2 inches of snow on the ground. It was so beautiful! Around 10 pm last night I went out on my balcony and there were people from my complex out building a snowman and sledding down a hill.
I stayed in last night since it the roads were getting bad here. That's something that bugs me about Nashville. They wait until the snow and ice are already here before they decide to put the salt down on the road. In the north they start putting the salt down before the snow gets there so it doesn't have a chance to stick to the ground. But anyway, it was so wonderful last night. I made myself a cup of hot chocolate turned off all the lights except for my Christmas lights and nestled on the couch in pj's with a blanket and watched Survivor (which was awesome...I love Sugar!!). After that I watched a cheesy Christmas movie on Hallmark. It was a pretty delightful evening.
This morning I woke up and this was the aftermath of all that snow. It was beautiful. My apartment complex's parking lot was iced over as you can see in this picture but it wasn't bad to drive on. The main roads were all clear but the sideroads were a different story. When I got on the road that I work on I slid right through the stop sign. I work right across from a mall so I had seen a couple people from work had parked there so I just slid into the parking lot. I called my co worker to tell her that I was here I just didn't know how to cross the street to get to the building. Luckily, one of the men who work in a different department was able to make it to work and he crossed the street and helped me to the building. I felt a like a little old lady but at least I didn't fall. I wore boots today but it's not for snow...all fashion. :) It was a poor choice today but it's so cute with my outfit. Our work has our Christmas luncheon today so I had to dress a little cute. But now it's 9:04 am and the sun is out and the ice is starting to melt off the road so at least we won't have trouble getting across town.
Have a great weekend!
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