Life is not measured by how many breaths you take but by what takes your breath away.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Worship and NBA
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Mystery is Solved
It's a bird....It's a plane...It's...
I saw this bus on my way home from work last night and thank goodness I had my camera and I quickly snapped a picture before the light turned green. Now many things went through my mind when I pulled up beside this bus. The first thought being "The A-Team" and that's only because a friend in AZ saw a van that looked just like the A-Team's van earlier this week so naturally that is what I thought of but then I looked more closely at the emblem and it's shaped like the superman emblem.
So what is this Super T? Is it some secret government operative? Is it a mobile dog groomer? Is it the headquarters of where all dark superheroes meet and fight crime? Hmmmm. Very interesting.
But seriously...what is Super T? Even the license plate says Super T? Any of you Nashvillians seen this riding around town? Inquiring minds want to know. :)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Oh Yawn....
I think the problem is that I hate to make a fool of myself in front of people. I hate to think that people are thinking about me, "Man, this girl is stupid! She is such a cornball!" My mom tells me that I take myself too seriously. Perhaps I do. I probably do. I need to laugh at myself more.
By the way, I am a little bit of a cornball and a little cheesy. After all, I love The Osmonds! Aren't they known as the epitome of cheesiness? Which, for some reason, has always bothered me that people think that way of them. Why are they known as being so cheesy? Because they love each other and get along and that they have a deep faith (even if they completely miss the mark on that one) and don't drink, do drugs or even drink carbonated drinks? Whatever. It's not really a secret that I like the Osmonds. I have their music downloaded on my iPod. (Don't make fun.) But just because they are wholesome and good why is that being cheesy? But I digress....I like them. :) (and yes, Donny Osmond will be on Dancing with the Stars this season so you all know who I will be voting for.) Ha!
Anyway, I'm getting off point. I am declaring that I will no longer write the snoozefest of blogs that I've been writing and I really am going to try and blog more. I will find something interesting that you will be like, "Man, I wish I had her life." Yeah, right. We will see. :)
Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Catching Up
Tropical Storm Claudette barely missed us head on but we did get a lot of her cloud cover and she produced some mighty big waves for us. It made it fun to body surf. I tried but the waves were not my friends and I got tired of tasting salt water so I just reverted to working on my tan. It was so much fun watching my niece and nephew though. You could not keep my nephew out of the water. He was so fearless. I have a few pictures up on my facebook page. We decided to take family pictures on the beach but I don't have those up yet. It was just a fun relaxing time. It was nice to just get up whenever you wanted. It was great to not have to worry about the phone or time it was. I eventually just turned my phone off. I had told my work before I left not to call me while I was gone because I wouldn't be answering my phone and I didn't. I turned it on silent and didn't answer anyone's call or text. It was great! But now I've been a little swamped trying to get caught back up at work. It was worth it though.
Last night was such a fun night. Our Ladies Prayer Group decided to have a girls night out and we went to The Factory in Franklin and painted pottery at Third Coast Clay. It was so much fun and the place was playing Louis Armstrong music all night. We all had a great time. These are amazing women and I really enjoy spending time with them all. I put pictures up on my Facebook page if you are interested in seeing them. I love The Factory. It was just a cool place to hang out. I definitely am going to go and spend a day there. There were so many neat little shops and eating places.
Not much else is going on except this weekend I'm going to the Keith Urban/Sugarland concert. I'm excited about that. I get to hang out with a friend from college that I hardly ever see. We always laugh so hard when we are together so I know I'm going to have a great time.
Happy Tuesday!
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009
Weekend Recap
Besides it being fast, my weekend went really well. Friday night I went to dinner and a movie with a friend. We were celebrating my birthday. I hadn't had Mexican in about four months and she knew I was craving it so badly so we went to Cozumel's. It was so good. They will make the guacamole dip right in front of you and it is so delicious! I could have eaten just that for dinner it was so good. After dinner we went to see Adam Sandler's new movie, Funny People. Don't go see it. It wasn't that good. One, it's forever long. The movie started at 7pm and we didn't get out of there until 9:45. Long. Then, it was just one disgusting joke after another. It did have it's funny moments but it was more awful than good. We should have gotten up and left but I just kept thinking it would get better. It didn't. I felt awful too because I chose the movie. So I'm sorry, my friend!
Saturday I went shopping with my mom and we were gone ALL day. But I was so happy. You probably won't understand this but my mom hasn't been shopping since Christmas. I only mentioned on here a few times and never talked about it much but my mother was extremely sick for the past six months. She was so ill that I had to move back home to help take care of her and the house. It was a rough six or seven months for us. But she's doing so much better so to see her get out and spend the whole day walking around and shopping was a wonderful thing. I'll never take her shopping with me for granted again. I honestly didn't think we would have a day like that again. Anyway, we went shopping because our family is going on a real vacation this year to Gulf Shores and neither one of us had anything to wear or bathing suits. So we left depressed. :)
Yesterday morning I heard the weirdest and strangest song on the radio. I didn't like it at all because I don't know how these people would know this but the title was If Jesus Walked the Earth Today He Would be a Hillbilly. Really? He would? How do they know he would be a hillbilly? I didn't care for the song at all. It's funny because Wednesday at church we were talking about songs that have no backup in the Scriptures or are just plain stupid like Drop Kick Me Jesus through the Goalposts of Life and The Devil is in the Phonebooth Dialing 9-1-1. Now I have to tell you that I have heard the last before. Some weird lady sang it at my church in Iowa. She was crazy so I wasn't surprised. It was a dumb song.
Sunday afternoon I drove around looked at some townhomes and houses in the area. I found a cute two bedroom two bath home about 5 miles from work. It's so cute but I'm not sure I want a house where I have to take care of a yard. Then I found some cute townhomes just a few miles from work. I wrote down the addresses and called my realtor. I have an appointment with her next week to go look at these homes. I'm excited. I'm so ready to get settled and have something of my own. I feel so displaced since I moved back home a few months ago and have all my stuff is in storage.
I'm excited that I'm cooking dinner tonight. I'm making porkchops. They are so good if I say so myself. They are baked but tasted just like they are fried. It's a light or low-fat recipe. I just realized. How boring is life when the most exciting thing you are doing is cooking porkchops? :)
Happy Monday!