So after many emails and comments on Facebook asking where I am and why am I not blogging, I'm back! One friend emailed me this morning and asked me why I'm not blogging anymore. My reply was pure laziness. I just hadn't felt like it. Plus, I've been extremely busy at work. I only blog at work, (don't tell my bosses that) so when I'm busy at work I don't blog. So that's the reason. So I'm sorry I've been absent and I'll try to get into a better routine of blogging.
Things have been going really good lately. I've started a jewelry business and I had my training show this week and did unbelieveably well. I'm really excited. My first show by myself is next Thursday. I'm extremely nervous and so thankful that I only know the hostess of that show and no one else. I think it will go better that I don't have a room full of friends and family watching me. But I'm really excited and I think it will go very well this year. I may only do it for a year depending on how things go in my personal life and if I really want to take a few nights a week to "work". I'm a homebody so I may not enjoy getting out a few nights a week to sell jewelry so we'll see how it goes. But right now I'm excited, nervous and scared so please pray for me. I've got 3 more shows to do this month.
So I've been watching American Idol and let me tell you some of those people are CRAZY!! Are you all watching it? Well, the reason I'm mentioning it is because an Osmond auditioned for it. David Osmond, who is Alan Osmond's fourth son auditioned when they were in Utah. He did a great job! I was really excited because I love the Osmonds! So I was stoked he was on there but so sad when he was cut during the Hollywood round. He explains in his
blog what happened on that day. I was bummed. I was all prepared to vote for him week after week. Now, I told you that I love the Osmonds and I'm not kidding you. Hence why I'm playing an Osmond song onmy playlist today. I wanted to put their song "Love Me For A Reason" on there because it's my favorite but they didn't have it on the playlist website so I setteled for this Donny Osmond song, which I love as well. My mom passed that love of that family down to me. Donny, of course, would have to be my favorite. He just seems like a genuinely nice guy and he can sing. I mean really sing. I love to listen to him sing. The whole family seems unbelieveably nice. I actually got to see them in concert when they were doing their famly show in Branson, MO. They put on a fantastic show! Then Alan's sons formed a group called Osmonds: 2nd Generation and they were phenominal. David Osmond was in that group as well and just blew me away. They were so good. It's riduculous how talented that family is. Oh and a little tidbit which I'm sure you've heard is that Donny will sometime be on Dancing with the Stars. I'm excited about that because he can dance and it will be funny to see him participate in that. I'll be voting for him when he's on there. I'm an Osmond supporter for life. Now if we can just get them all saved! With their faith as strong as it is can you imagine what they could do if Mormon's believed in salvation? Wow! The possibilities.
So I mentioned that I love this song that I chose for today's blog. I was watching a Donny Osmond concert on DVD once when he started talking about this song he wrote. He wrote it to his five boys. I'll try and see if I get the story right. He had said that one time while recording an album his blackberry went off and it was from one of his sons who was on a mission in Scotland. It said, "Dad are you out there? I need your help?" So Donny said, he answered it immediately and then they communicated back and forth for about 15 minutes when his son told him that he was okay and that he didn't need to worry about him anymore. Donny asked him why the sudden change? His son replied to him that he just wanted to know that he was there anytime he needed him. I can totally relate to this story. Many times while I was at college I would call my parents with problems and they were always there. They always answered the phone. It's still true today. No matter what they are doing, if they know I need them, they are right there to help me every step of the way.
That got me thinking about how that relates to our relationship with the Lord. Isn't it so nice to know that no matter what we do or how much trouble we are in that the Lord is always there waiting to help us? There is a group of people I know that are not where they need to be spiritually. They are hanging around people they shouldn't. They are getting involved with stuff that they know is wrong. Sometimes I feel guilty because I wonder if I was still hanging out with them would they still be doing these things? They have never done these things in front of me and they know not to do these in front of me so it makes me wonder if I was more present around them, would it make a difference? I know that I'm not the one making them do this and that everyone has their own free will but when do you get to the point where not pleasing the Lord comes into play? The Bible tells us to be in the world and not of the world. I've been told by certain people that you have to be apart of it in order to win lost souls to Christ. Well, in a way that's true but you don't get involved in sinful matters and cause yourself to slip to where you don't have a testimony to witness to those around you. I just feel like this group is in trouble and the sad thing is that they are oblivious to how they are affecting those around them. Please pray for them. But I'm so thankful that the Lord is there for us waiting with open arms to love us, accept us and help us when we call on His name.
Please pray for me as I'm headed to Alabama in about an hour for my niece's birthday. She'll be three years old! It's hard to believe. We will also be celebrating my brother's birthday which is next week. He'll be 33. THAT'S hard to belive. Sometimes I still feel like we are in high school. When did we all grow up? Have a great weekend!